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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
Haha, LibTards. Trump GeTs aNother supreMe court piCK!!
Insufferably dullheaded as you are, this news will likely shock you: Justice Stevens retired from the bench in 2010 and was replaced by Elena Kagan.
@theghostofeustacetilley is a much-beloved, snarkalicious, long-time TPM member, who provides much welcome comic relief in These Hear Threadz and undoubtedly knows when Justice Stevens retired. In other words, please send your snark-o-meter in for recalibration.
Oh, did I just wander into a frat party?
I’ve been around tpm since the beginning, coming and going as the sophistication of the effort has waxed and waned, and I have never seen anything posted by Eustace; and thank god for that because if his posting above is evidence of his contribution to comic relief, then, well, yawn.
President Carter did nominated Breyer and RBG to the court of appeals but never had a shot at a Supreme Court nomination. In theory, Brennan would have been an option, him being on the Court over twenty years, but so it goes. Stevens would have been a fine Carter choice.
Early on, Stevens was a moderate. On that front, I again would state my belief Merrick Garland would have been a fine justice. He would have been a moderate that would not join some more liberal opinions. But, he would have been a good moderate choice. In another era, he would have been seen in this light and confirmed.
OK. YMMV. Comment histories are open to all. The evidence is available for your perusal – both the content, and the replies, and who’s uprated the posts. Long-termers round here, including greybeards like me, get it. If you don’t want to get it, well, that’s on you. eustace’s post here was uprated by 3 long-termers. Yours was not. The one I linked to earlier received 34. Or there’s this one, from, well, 6 hours ago. 24 uprates. You can see for yourself who’s doing the uprating. That should tell you something – the operative word being “should”. Lead a horse to water, and all that. You can learn, or not. Nobody can force you.
I’ve provided ample evidence that eustace’s posts are snark and parody of alt-righties. You can like it or not. You have no basis, however, for claiming that eustace intends it seriously – which was the basis of your original comment, and which is what I was correcting. Whether you like it or not, eustace knows perfectly well when Justice Stevens ignored it. If you don’t like the snark, you can ignore it. But the rest of us actually get it, and your public “taking it seriously” will only subject you to mockery. The choice is yours.
Please, he’s not Eustace, he’s Eustace’s ghost. Sort of like the Big Lebowski.
Well dearest, I’ve been here since the beginning, and I guess I must have studiously, and perhaps subconsciously overlooked his snark, what a shame, that. And you, so enlightening, so hilarious, so freaking tedious.
Well, gosh, thanks for finally getting round to answering me. Been stewing all this time?
And while I may be tedious, the one thing you didn’t call me in your string of attacks was, um, wrong. Personal attacks are always the last refuge of the coward who gets caught with their foot in their mouth.