I hope there will be a Pinnochio/canned laughter version.
Kinda wish I had caught this one just for shits and giggles. Didn’t even know it was happening at the time but I read another lonnnnng list of tweets posted at DailyKos that gave me some clue as to what I missed. Read it at 3 am when I typically find myself unable to fall back to sleep these days. Frankly its both hysterical and in some ways frightening that this is who is in charge of our nuclear arsenal, but as usual he spouts nothing but nonsense and offers nothing but deflection in response to basic facts and any truth-telling. Sounds like the moderator, Streptacoccus, tried to do his best to set the record straight but as with most things tRump, he probably ran out of steam against the lying mountain of bullshit tRump offered and the juggernaut of deflection from this lying piece of shit.
Here’s more tweets compiled at DailyKos (with lots of Daniel Dale tweets interspersed.)
Again…somewhat entertaining but hardly enlightening since its just more of what we already know about what a sick mentally unfit motherfucker he is.
There must be a compulsion to say permutations of “The Base Doesn’t Care”.
Astonishing…all the more because it focuses on people over whom we have little or no control. We are not after Trump’s Base. We are after everyone else.
I don’t buy the ‘he’s not preparing for debates’ shit. Sounds like expectations management on steroids. If he comes off remotely intelligible it’s a win with that framing.
When I saw the picture slightly cut off at the bottom, I thought George was sitting.
Did Trump wear his high heels?
I’d love a Mystery Science Theater 3000 version.
His lips were moving, so…
Oh, the humanity! The big bag of hot gas caught on fire and crashed. Oh, the humanity!
I tend to agree it will happen. He will try to browbeat and bully Biden, talk over him, interrupt, even insult. His only chance is to get Biden too flustered to respond to anything well and then claim it is proof he dominated and that Biden is weak and not up to the job, which requires a powerful toughguy figure. Biden will call out his lies and eat him alive for his behavior. I think it is going to go down in history as one of the most insane smackdowns to ever occur in a POTUS debate. I only hope his own outrage is kept under enough control that it doesn’t become a dickwagging shoutfest.
I’m also hoping to hear Trump resort to “how can Biden be POTUS if he won’t even show proper respect for and deference to the current one?” It admits so much weakness and will be delicious.
Reality TV star just got a dose of unedited reality.
I’ve thought for a long time that Trump is not going to actually end up attending the debates. This Town Hall hasn’t exactly made that seem like an unlikely scenario and I’m expecting the whining and excuses for why he shouldn’t take part to start any moment now.
Trump: It’s good to be here. It’s great to be with my friends. I think we’re gonna do this, we’ve agreed to do it once a week in the morning, and I look forward to it. Like the old days.
Steve Doocy: I haven’t heard that. Well, that’s an exclusive.right there.
Donnie blew their ‘cover’ story. AFTER he hung up - they said, “You may want to do it every week but Fox has not committed to that. We’re going to take it on a case-by-case basis. And Joe Biden, as well, is always welcome to join us for 47 minutes like we just did with the president” But when Trump announced it - He said the quiet part out loud. “We’ve agreed to do it.” - in other words ‘done deal’.
I expect they’ll give it to him. And Biden will be ‘asked’ and will probably decline.
That’s “huge manatee”. Common mistake.
This demonstrates how hard FOX has been working to make this guy seem coherent over the last year.
Rocky Horror Picture Show version where we all dress up and throw buckets of piss, golf balls, hamberders, and road apples at the screen.
What it means is irrelevant. Trump meant to say “herd immunity” and said “herd mentality” instead. His synapses aren’t lined up and there’s many a slip between the brain and the mouth. Covfefe, baby, covfefe.
So who’s shorter, Jeff Sessions or George Acidophilus?
He’s aware that’ll never happen without him also getting to pee in a cup?
I didn’t realize they said the negative part after he hung up.
I agree that Biden’s temper will have to be kept in check. And even Caine of the 1970s TV series Kung Fu would get a workout with Trump, who is a crass boor.