Barring any further unexpected developments, opening arguments in Donald Trump’s criminal trial will start in Monday.
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Barring any further unexpected developments, opening arguments in Donald Trump’s criminal trial will start in Monday.
New York’s got this, folks.
His first trial HAD to happen in Manhattan. It was cast in stone long before we were born. It’s Greek and Shakespearean tragedies playing out on the biggest stage in the world.
Spoiler alert: It’s the Hubris.
The weekend is upon us.
By Monday at 9a eastern time, should we look for further juror doxxing, possible witness tampering (yes, I know the prosecution doesn’t have the names at this time, but they know at least a couple of them due to the nature of the trial), TIFBG running his mouth at his rallies this weekend, TIFBG running his mouth on Troof AntiSocial?
There are so many options and so little time.
Hopefully, all the transgressions are piled high for the hearing on whether TIFBG is in violation of the gag order. The guy can’t help himself. He just can’t.
It took less time than I thought it was going to take. I guess he is now going to object that there are no billionaires on the jury. Isn’t he entitled to a jury of his peers?
He should object there are no uneducated white dumb fucks or Christians who think he is the second coming.
The really good thing is that Merchan is controlling the trial, he’s not letting Trump and his lawyers step outside of the expected behavior. That’s good, and it’s very likely that anything Trump tries is going to be shot down, hard, on Wednesday. If they really try to go after the jurors to drive them away Merchan is going to go ballistic. If Trump and his minions are smart they won’t touch the trial…which means we’ll be hearing all kinds of stuff over the weekend about the trial. If Trump keeps it to general comments I think he’ll just get a final warning, maybe a small fine to enhance the point. Hopefully that’s the end of it, because the jurors do not deserve to be attacked simply for doing their duty as citizens.
The trial is very likely to go badly for Trump, as long as it stays on the facts. Trump’s lawyers are going to be vicious towards all of the witnesses…their only hope is to destroy the witnesses in the eyes of the jury. Trump has always said he never slept with Stormy Daniels, you can bet the lawyers will try to make her into a liar, and Cohen will be called a felon over and over. If the prosecution doesn’t point out that Cohen was convicted for doing things for Trump they are idiots (unless that bit of evidence isn’t allowed). Mechan will keep it to the facts if the lawyers get too far out of line, but it still will be gross and ugly.
The real question is if Trump will testify…his lawyers will tell him not to, but I’m not sure he will be able to stand not getting up there and blasting everyone he possibly can from the stand. That really will turn the jury against him, since attacks on the justice system includes them, and the prosecution will tear him apart completely because it’s in Trump’s nature to bluster his way through things…he’ll be caught out lying about something, no doubt. I think he won’t testify, his lawyers just can’t afford it and have a chance at winning the case.
So, this should be over sometime in June, then we’ll see…barring something we don’t know or some application of the law, or a jury that won’t convict, then evidence should see Trump convicted of at least some counts. Should be interesting to see the reaction, especially if they usually come with jail time.
The bars are too short.
In order to do that, he would first have to prove that he is indeed a billionaire.
Facts not in evidence, I believe, is the proper term.
All those big strong police are crying. Tears are streaming down their faces
Until I see a judge statement that tells Trump’s lawyers to advise client to bring a toothbrush, I still think, no I know, the judicial system is broken .
Yup, time for NY to clean up its mess.
The defendant must have farted again.
The Trump trials can be like the Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm finale. Every person who was harmed by or mocked by Trump gets to take the stand and testify against him. So much winning!
Not to worry, he couldn’t get his leg up on the bar let alone his fat ass up and over it.
Looking forward to the headline: Donald Trump imprisoned in world’s shortest jail cell.
A very rosy scenario. Let’s hope you’re right.
So even after the Sandoval hearing set out all the things the prosecution will introduce to the jury to discredit the truthiness of anything Trump has to say for himself, Trump says he will testify. Let’s look at the last time Trump decided to testify. The judge gave him explicit instructions on what he could discuss and what was out of order. It took Trump about two sentences to drive right out of bounds and deliver a rally speech, most of which was totally off topic. I see the same thing happening again if he really goes through with it.
I have an idea: Put Trump in an adjoining room with a 2-way closed circuit TV set-up. Give the judge a mute button. Every time Trump heads out of bounds and the prosecution objects, the judge hits the mute button until he can uphold or not the objection. I can’t think of any way to make Trump follow the rules for once in his life. Yes, it may be prejudicial, but how else does one keep a Trump from just plowing on like a rampaging elephant? It would hardly be less prejudicial to have the bailiffs waiting in the wings to grab him up and haul him off. I like the TV idea just in case he decides to once again shoot himself in the foot. After all, he did it last time and even thought it was a success.
Isn’t he entitled to a jury of his peers?
They would all vote to acquit in 5 minutes. So no.