The Judicial Crisis Network announced Monday that it will spend $2.2 million on an ad campaign in support of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) attempts to ram her confirmation through the Senate.
The Judicial Crisis Network announced Monday that it will spend $2.2 million on an ad campaign in support of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) attempts to ram her confirmation through the Senate.
“Americans reelected our majority in 2016 and expanded it in 2018 because we pledged to work with President Trump and support his agenda, particularly his outstanding appointments to the federal judiciary,” McConnell said in a statement.
“We’d rather see this go through the regular process that Senator McConnell announced four years ago and that all of the Republicans stepped forward and said that we believe in this approach: We don’t fill vacancies on the Supreme Court in the last year of a president’s term.”
I don’t mind filling vacancies in the last year of a term. I don’t want us to get caught in that particular snare. But I think that it only makes sense if it can be done reasonably like any other major judicial nomination. In a “non-politicized” nomination, that takes a couple months to vet candidates then more time to go through hearings (since the Senate has other business to attend to as well) and finally schedule a full floor vote. Pushing the whole thing through in fewer than two months from start to finish seems rushed and haphazard.
I’m not sure where one should draw the line, but a full year is nonsense no matter how you slice it. If you can fit it in comfortably before an election without cutting corners and rushing steps, it should be perfectly legitimate to proceed with a nomination. I do not see that with the current set of circumstances. But we shouldn’t trap ourselves in that rhetorical trap of adopting their two-faced arguments from 4 years ago.
As horrified as I am by all this we can’t let this become the discussion. Many Trumpers voted for him for this very reason. It needs to stay focused on his criminal behavior. When discussing this it should be a simple statement that the GOP is revealing who they are, dedicated to preserving their own power and not our Democracy. If they want to fill the seat, let them. We must try not to make it a circus where we will lose anyway. We will simply need to undo it after the election. We have several options including impeachments and expansion. There will be plenty of work to do following the money and exposing the corruption and I guarantee some of the money flows right into the pockets of some judges.
Thought crossed my mind:
If the house impeaches, the Senate is compelled to consider those articles of impeachment, right? McConnell said it him self last time.
Ok, send the Senate a fresh set of Articles of Impeachment.
According to a release, the ads will run in Colorado, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, Utah and Washington D.C. Unsurprisingly, those states cover many vulnerable Republicans who are in neck-and-neck races and who may have the most to lose politically from joining in the confirmation effort