Judge Tosses GOP Attempt To Restrict Drop Box Use For GA Runoff

A federal judge quickly put an end to one of three Republican attempts to curtail absentee voting in the Georgia runoffs Thursday after a brief hearing by teleconference.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1349864

Excellent news!


Maybe we should call these races The McConnell Elections…

Because they are.

I am tired of seeing commentary (based on Republican success in GA) with McConnell still in the driver’s seat in the Senate.


another smackdown in court. the facsistgoopers are gluttons for punishment.


three Republican attempts to curtail absentee voting in the Georgia runoffs

It’s great how vigilant they are against the threat posed by absentee voting.


The threat of defeat is a great motivator.


Take this country from them and NEVER give it back.


You don’t have to live in Kentucky to vote against Mitch McConnell.


So today an Obama judge ruled against the dems on voter purges, and a Bush judge ruled against the pubs on voter suppression. What is this, cranky judge day?


In the federal courts, pretty much every day is cranky judge day.


I do hope that - at some point - there is a bit of a “perfect storm” in one of these cases …
where … the GOP attorney pushes forward the false claim of the imminent peril of massive “voter fraud” and does so in a way that crosses a line - and the pisses off the judge … who then calls them on it … demands immediate proof to support the claim … and the GOP attorney - not being able to immediately provide such - gets cited with contempt & is given 6 hours to produce the evidence to support the assertion of “fact” …or face 2 weeks in jail for the contempt… and then failing to produce - gets cuffed & hauled off to sit in behind bars for 14 days.

YES, YES … I know this will not happen because even Rudy manages to avoid actually jumping on this land mine … but it would be nice if the opportunity were to present , if a judge would dramatically push back against the endless “fraud” fabrications…


Voter suppression by challenging the right to vote during the election. Could it be that Republicans are suppressing their own voters? What slime balls these people are.


Republicans sure hate democracy, even while draping themselves in the flag. Deplorable!


This more or less happened in a federal court in PA, but without the contempt part. The judge merely dismissed the case.

I get kind of tired of the barrage of calls here for contempt, sanction, and disbarment every time a lawyer does something we don’t like. It gets tedious, and it (almost) never happens. Closest I can think of is Kris Kobotch being ordered to take remedial education on procedure.


This is a preview of the next two years, where Republicans will constantly try to pass laws and use lawsuits to make it more difficult to vote for anyone they think won’t vote for them. If there’s anything at state in the Senate races, it’s a national voting rights law that does away with all of these suppression efforts; standardizing voting rights across the nation, and protecting the ability of every citizen to vote, will not happen as long as Republicans continue to hold power to block it.

Hey, you’d be cranky too if you to put up with people like this:


Pas de quartier? :fist_right: :fist_left:

Well, I’d say the Republican-controlled legislatures and Republican secretaries of state have been doing this already for some years, so of course they will continue this course of malpractice. And yes, the president and Congress should definitely pursue a new voting compact that would restrict these legislatures from making registration and voting harder.


I have no issue with an attorney advocating a view that is different from that which I hold
… but I do hope that - at some point - there would be genuine repercussions for Attorneys who persist in making false assertions - and push cases forward with baseless & unsubstantiated accusations.

It is offensive to the judicial system … an unethical abuse of the system … and it is a contrived means of delay and obstruction that Trump learned to utilize from his many years with Roy Cohn - typically to wear-out or unduly financially burden an adversary.


Damn Democracy and rule of law keeps getting in the way of Republicans stealing the election
Damn shame isn’t it
Bugs could be

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