Judge To Trump: Explain Why You Think The Law Doesn’t Apply To You

I learned today Spike Lee refers to him as Agent Orange, and who could disagree. He’s poisonous and toxic and is dangerous to living things.


It is always an honorable homage to the classics that matters… That way, we film crazy people will have something to talk about!


Kevin, Kevin – No need to rush. Why would any right minded conservative want to spend time with their family or families? That’s for losers and liberals. Do key bumps and orgies with Maddie Caw, Bobo Bonobo, Matt Gaetz, Mitch McConnell, and MTG. It will lift your spirits.

Don’t concede defeat. Instead, own the liberals.

Follow the precedent. Call the whole vote thingy fake, a witch hunt. There’s still plenty of time to call on the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, National Rifle Association, Ginni Thomas, Shaman, Ronna Romney, Zip-tie Guy, Foxy News, Alex Jones, and assorted white nationalist vermin to attack the Capitol to reinstate the rigged election you lost. May be call on some fake electors? Have the votes hand counted?

Release the kraken! File frivolous lawsuits in every Congressional district that did not vote for you!


“I’m considering doing something else. Is anybody listening?! I could do something else really well, I’m sure. Is anybody listening? Seriously, I’m thinking about resigning, and I could be available. Is anybody hearing me?”


Kev? Yeah, I remember Kev. I wish I could say they don’t make them like that anymore.


Great typo!

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Got any good puns?   : - )


Judge To Trump: Explain Why You Think The Law Doesn’t Apply To You

It never has before, so why start now?


So, Trump’s “argument” is that each of the 46 presidents of these United States (Biden included), as soon as they were inaugurated, became eternally above all of the laws of these United States, as well as all the laws of all the 50 states, 3,143 counties and all our territories?

I don’t remember reading that anywhere in the Constitution. And not anywhere in an memos written by anyone in our Justice Department. And Trump can’t create law, nor executive orders, nor DOJ memos when he isn’t president. Unless he had a memo like this written before he got kicked out of office, I’d say he’s shit out of luck.

Sounds more like the powers of a King.

And we don’t do kings anymore.


That’s what I get for writing a long comment on a phone.

Perhaps because he was an assistant quartermaster, learning lessons in logistics that would help win the next war. Also a line officer who earned a promotion by disassembling, hauling to a steeple, then reassembling a field piece with his men. Also at one point a courier who used his riding skill to evade snipers while delivering a dispatch. But not an engineer?


but is he competent enough to pull it off?

Count me as an other. As long as we have a death penalty, federally or in any state, we are not better than most. Not by a long shot. Electing prosecutors or judges is also a terrible idea. Partisan election of prosecutors or judges is insane. And all those problems would exist even without the systemic racism..

Better than most my ass.


She’s competent enough to figure out the effect of a directed verdict.

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They call it the Central Valley* for a reason. Anything North of Tehachapi is hardly Southern California.

.* The collective name for the combined Sacramento and San Juaquin Valleys.


Because she’s ultimately intimidated by him and his mob?

I’m willing to bet that’s what you meant, and I’m not thrilled to agree—but I’m inclined to agree, in spite of everything. Was that what you meant?


I see a flaw in this argument. So does the Fed Soc.

A road has to be made right. No matter where it goes or who drives on it.

And welcome to the scrum as @lestatdelc would say. also beer.


Oh, pish-tush.

Judges are, and bloody well should be, loath to make rulings for the purpose of satisfying their own contempt for the defendant. There’s no harm in allowing the pleading to be addressed. And WTF are the grounds for your desired contempt holding? That would be reversible as all hell. The point of these proceedings is not to denigrate the asshole, it’s to try him for four felonies.

If you think she’s acting intimidated, you haven’t given it much thought.

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