Judge Tells Jan. 6 Insurrectionist That Trying To Overturn An Election Isn’t Patriotism, Actually

Yes. Is it really so hard to understand the patriots are the ones who didn’t storm the Capitol and don’t partake in the Big Lie?


It’s all a show. It is gaslighting. Gaslighting impacting millions, millions who were already primed through their culturally developed bigotry, racism, and hatred of anyone unlike them, bred in the shitpots of people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and inflamed by the likes of Newsmax and now OAN. “It’s OK to hate. It’s OK to lie about EVERYTHING.” It’s almost like a mass Stockholm Syndrome.


“despite clear evidence that the siege was anything but a violent effort to overthrow the election” … I think you meant to say “despite clear evidence that the siege nothing less than a violent effort to overthrow the election.”


No, not yet, anyway…

But seeds are worth planting…


How about including the sentence (not a grammatical term) ?
Or how long he had been in jail, which was more than his maximum sentence?

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Nice and succinct. Even more succinct is that they are traitors. I guess the judge can’t say that because it has a legal definition.


Putin made this declaration first–that the people in custody are “political prisoners.” Can you imagine.


Why does it take a judge to say this clearly and simply?


They are prisoners of Trump.


Very Nice, Very Nice.

Too bad it had to wait 8 months and be left to a judge, but somebody needs to say “NO IT ISN’T” just as often, and just as loud as these fuggs says this crap. Political prisoners, Tourists, Patriots, Black is White, Wet is Dry, Martyrs, etc.


She’s be a great Supreme Court justice. I take it that she’s on Biden’s list of potential nominees.


6% improvement among Black Men or less than 1% of all votes means Trump still lost Black men by what, 89% to 11% instead of 95% to 5%. Talk about “Much Ado about Nothing”.


OT but how can there be any topic of note but this, really:

They’re literally killing children.


Yeah, this is a pretty meaningless set of statistics that the dealers in conflict and both-siderism dig up to get clicks. Only those among their readership that are hopelessly math challenged are likely to put much stock in this and re-post to facebook so they can continue to pretend they’re winning.


Sadly her condemnation went in one ear and out the other.

Your point about “nuance” is more a mainstream media issue then a FOX issues.

But before getting to that, as has been said many times, Trump’s base created Trump and not the other way around.

That is my disagreement with your comment is that to some extent you are blaming salesmen for selling what certain people want to buy and to some extent it should be the other way around.

But to your point about nuance, if you remember George W Bush and especially the 2004 election with John Kerry, the entire media piled on John Kerry because his answers to complex questions while correct were nuanced and needed explanations whereas Bush, who like Trump was a salesman who never cared much for facts, was easy to keep on message because all he knew how to do was repeat the same slogan over and over again without caring and likely knowing if the simple slogan had any basis in reality.

The decision by the mainstream media to religiously practice “bothsideism” and instead of reporting news and facts just put on competing talking heads without filters and equate the two regardless of facts left Americans not knowing what to believe and in my opinion more than anything else has caused America’s inability to agree even on the simplest facts.

That is you comments about FOX news are just as applicable to mainstream news and as much as anything is why Trump was ever president. Or to put another way, 35% to 40% of Americans have always been whack jobs or you might say people who created FOX News and Trump. The problem as I see it is another 10% to 15% of Americans were so mislead by the media on everything from the Iraq War to taxes to inequality to emails and “grab her by the…” that they equated Hillary and Trump and chose Trump.


Cowards: Republican office holders who are still capable of reason


He’s the one patient that COVID should have taken