Judge Restrains Feds From Targeting Portland Journos, Legal Observers | Talking Points Memo

While I applaud the court for placing this restraint, I don’t believe that any court order restricted the gestapo. I expect to continue to observe more abuses of power.

Despite what anyone associated with the Trumpty Dumpty maladministration might say, these “federal employees” were NOT really activated to protect federal property. They were activated to intimidate and antagonize the citizenry.

Trumplethinskin is waging war on civilians who are practicing their civil rights. He is trying to create violence under the appearance of the fault of the civilians. A pandemic doesn’t provide enough of the “right kind of death”. He wants bloodshed on the streets. He wants to create fear in centrists in the hope of gaining their votes.

These are the tactics of a tyrant. There is no way that this ends well for him. The question then becomes “Does this end well for us?” November and January will give us our answer.


DAs don’t “arrest” people, do they? They would need the local police to make an arrest and then the DA could charge them with a crime based on an incident report, right? I am not a legal expert, but that’s my understanding of the roles. So to some degree, holding the federal officers accountable is dependent on which side the local LEOs fall on.

The DAs can say they’ll prosecute, but that will only happen if someone is willing to work with them in the process. I’m admittedly out of my depth on the nuances of procedure…

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You’re right, and that may be the hold up in Portland. He needs local law enforcement to make an arrest. But he certainly could announce an investigation.



Hey Matt,

It looks like there is an error in the TPM weekly summary that references your article:

“ * A federal judge dealt a blow to the efforts in Portland, however, ruling on Thursday that federal agents could not detain protesters or journalists for the time being.””

My understanding is that they are just restricted from harassing journalists and observers, not from detaining protestors.

Yes, these bastards need to be arrested if they wander off Federal property and assault anyone.
However, that will also reveal how much support the Fed Goons have within the local police department. The downside of that is that the local pigs may show up in support of tRump. The upside is any who do can be immediately fired for insubordination and refusal to follow a lawful order.

State and local police who refuse to follow the lawful orders of the Mayor or Governor, can be immediately fired for insubordination. Then they can apply for unemployment like everyone else while their union tries to get them reinstated.

Maybe some citizens on the roofs with rifles and scopes.