A Georgia state judge on Tuesday weighed whether, when, and how much of a grand jury report into President Trump’s attempt to subvert the 2020 election result should be released.
Well much as would like to read what the Grand Jury’s conclusions are I would probably defer to Fani. Of course CNN and other MSMers want to show them and then tell us “how wrong they are.”
the content may be similar to what the House committee released last year
I suspect that we already “know” the stuff in the parts of the GJ report that get made public. What the GJ adds is making it official, a legal finding of fact out of what previously was 2nd-hand news reports or informed speculation.
So, I’m not expecting to learn anything new here though I do hope there’s some good squirming in the transcripts of Lindseymat et al.
["Fani Willis, the Fulton County DA investigating Trump, said at the outset of the hearing that she opposed the report’s release
‘It is not appropriate at this time to have the report be released,’ Willis said.
McBurney seemed skeptical of that argument, at one point asking, ‘what would prevent a special purpose grand juror from reaching out to the media and saying, ‘I’ll tell you what’s in the report?’ ’ ”
The judge said that he would not issue a ruling immediately, and might ask for further briefing before making a decision. The report could be released in segments, with redactions, or pending indictments that Willis described as ‘imminent,’ depending on his decision."]
I would love to read the transcripts, especially where they reveal what various people testified to. But if I had to choose, I’d be perfectly fine not knowing those details if it guaranteed that indictments happen.
Do you really think that Willis is opposing the release because she was bought off, and not because she’s afraid making the information public right now would complicate those imminent indictments? Did you read the same article I did?
If it changes anything, it’s more likely to be “which of these three things is different from the other two?” Hint: the orange one isn’t like the two white ones.