Ohio’s lawsuit challenging the Census Bureau’s delays in releasing the 2020 survey data was dismissed by a federal judge Wednesday.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1366487
Ohio’s lawsuit challenging the Census Bureau’s delays in releasing the 2020 survey data was dismissed by a federal judge Wednesday.
Jeez, somebody put this judge back in the 18th century.
This is 2Q21…
Seems well reasoned. The court does not have any ability to make the Census complete its work any earlier, so Ohio’s claimed injury simply isn’t redressible. No redressible claim, no lawsuit.
A bush the lesser appointee.
Reason prevails! And maybe OH will be a nicer place for Reps to run as a result.
Is Gym Jordan any more vulnerable in a less gerrymandered district?
Yes, he is more vulnerable if district is less snake like and more square.