Judge Comments On Flight Risk, Eye-Popping Size Of Bail Package At Barrack Arraignment | Talking Points Memo

What until they see the orange jump suits!

" If Lady Liberty, her eyes cast aloft, could see the travesty of the law being carried out today against a wretched, helpless immigrant child, whose only wish was to be drawn to her beacon and better himself, If she could look down from her pedestal, how sorrowful she would be. In her bosom dwells the fire of righteousness, and you judge, besmirch her proud spirit, and trample upon The Flag by this heinous act."


Their houses, or just one of their houses?

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Its only eye popping when its taken out of context. Its less that 1/4 of his wealth. Many many Americans are subject to bonds that are multiple times their wealth. Its really time for us to stop treating these rich assholes with kid gloves.

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Yeah, exactly like that. All of those are exactly the same thing, as you so astutely observed. Thank you for explaining.

Exactly. Another wealthy chum can order one and have it waiting.

He is also a licensed marriage counselor.

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Wow. I may take time off from work so I can watch the TV coverage of Joe and Kamala leaving with their heads hung low in shame as Jill revs up the engine of the town car to take them away.

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You must be daft to ask.

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“Really sucked!”

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I too wonder just how many of the “huddled masses” decided to keep their passports to four other countries in case the “yearning to be free” didn’t really work out for them here in America?

In thit case, I’ll be dranking drift beer strit from the tip.

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If, knowing as he, did that he was skirting the law the whole point to assets abroad would be that they were secret. And he did know he was skirting the law since he turned a high level post on the grounds he had too much baggage. So the motivation to put these things in place was there.

Given the degree of wealth he has had, setting aside enough to live comfortably for the rest of his life would be like a normal person setting aside a few hundred for unexpected bills.

Of course that he had motive and opportunity just shows that it was concievable, not that he did do it.

Yes, you know, I’m a law-abiding person – not like him-- and faced with spending my remaining years in prison, even I would be more than tempted to take a few dozen million $ of my enormous fortune, abandon the rest, stiff the bondsman, and fly my private jet to a country without an extradition treaty with the US. It would probably take a lot less than a million to “negotiate” entry without my passport.

Barrack will be gone by Christmas. He’ll show up in one of his client countries.


Speaking of Jeffy, I noticed Tommy and Donnie have been tight for decades. I wonder if Tommy was in Jeffy’s rolodex.


I think that’s mostly true, but I keep thinking about the Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway bunch who ran the domestic side. They helped mightily in keeping the shit stirred here at home while the real movers and shakers ran the place via foreign entanglement. Sort of like the Ladies Auxiliary who are sent out to be the front for the operation while the real power brokers dismantle the place backstage.


Wonder no more.

Yes. Yes he was. (See link, below.) I can’t find a link at for it at this instant, but someone described Trump, Jeffy, and Tommy as the “Three Musketeers of the dating scene in New York.”


“Hey, Haywood, what’re in for?”

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Sort of though, right? If someone is a true flight risk you set bail at a level where they basically have no choice but to return to court. (Or they wait for trial in a cell.) But there’s a stratospheric wealth level at which that becomes impracticable. If Jeff Bezos commits some serious crime and the courts set his bail at 99% of his net worth, he could still flee the country and have enough to live in luxury for a thousand years. And then what happens to the bond he forfeits, does the State of Missouri own Amazon? I bet it’s a little thorny for the judge.

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