Judge Blocks New Texas Rule Allowing Troopers To Pull Over Cars Carrying Migrants | Talking Points Memo

A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked an order from Texas’ governor prohibiting anyone except law enforcement from driving undocumented immigrants anywhere, and instructing state police to pull over people they thought were violating the rule. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1383455
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How would it work if brown people were driving white folks around? I mean, they could be a chauffeur, right?

Good on the judge.



“Some level of inconvenience for potentially COVID-infected illegal aliens is an unavoidable result of protecting public health during a pandemic,” Patrick Sweeten, a lawyer for the state, wrote Monday in response to the federal lawsuit.

Potentially infected?!? Is that all they got? Jeesh.

The rule, issued by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) last Wednesday, would have allowed Texas state troopers to pull over vehicles that they believed were carrying undocumented people…

Well, what if the Texas state troopers are COVID-infected? Couldn’t they pass it on to the people in the vehicles which they pull over?


Pathetic. AZ already tried this crap years ago.

Weak sauce, TX - we know your leaders are meaner and stupider than that.


Hitting people who are down is the mark of a bully. And they do it constantly, and have for generations. They don’t want to “enforce” the laws, as they claim, they want to humiliate, subjugate, and deprive these people of their dignity and humanity. There’s no good reason for this.


It’s amazing how openly racist certain state governments and politicians have become, and how they are getting away with it. I wonder if this is how it felt back in the 1870s-80s as Reconstruction failed and Jim Crow started to take over across the nation.


Abbott: I hereby invoke emergency powers in the face of this very serious emergency to prohibit any government entity in the great State of Texas from doing anything at all about this very serious emergency that justifies my invocation of my emergency powers.

Greatest Catch-22 since the original.


Imagine if some Texas legislators wanted to be plain spiteful and make Governor Abbott’s life as well as others with a disability miserable. They could easily conjure up excuses like “Those curb cuts, pavement and sidewalk markings as well as elevators are excessive government overreach”
It would be akin to what he, the lieutenant governor and much of the Republican led legislature dream up on a daily basis hence this new rule on giving the state police the power based on a belief (Are the Texas State police Kreskin?) driving suspected undocumented immigrants. Reminds me of Steve King “look at the dirt on their shoes!”


Some level of potentially COVID-infected Texans is an unavoidable result of protecting the right to not Weare a mask during a pandemic.


Of course not. They need that cheap day labor to mow, landscape, and replace the roof on their place.


The cruelty and racism is the point. There is no way to differentiate an undocumented person from Central America from any other US citizen or documented immigrant from those same countries. It’s all about the color of the skin.


Right…because AS PER USUAL how can you tell an ‘immigrant’ from a dark skinned AMERICAN CITIZEN??? Oh oops!


I’m lost as to why Abbott and DeSantis (etc.) think it’s ok to block organized/coordinated pandemic responses at the lower local levels without realizing they are now de facto accepting the horrific results of that policy when (not if with the way things are going) it leads to more deaths.

Do they think we aren’t going to notice? Or they can just tapdance past it? Or did they think it just wasn’t going to get that bad with the Face-Eating Leopards and it was only going to kill the libs?


Where are all the GQPers who whined about Abbott making emergency declarations last year?

Oh yeah, I remember now - those orders affected Real Americans and their ability to eat out and shop . . . now he’s hurting the people they want to hurt, so it’s OK.


Speaking of Texas, Devin Nunes of California is suing Rachel Maddow in tiny Sherman Texas for being mean to him.

No, really.


What political incentive do they have to take COVID seriously?


I’m so old I remember when the R party was vehemently against frivolous law suits.


I was kind of hoping “Death Of The People Who Voted For Me And Their Children” would work, but apparently not.


UT projection of covid hospital cases in TX


Tap on on the line for details