Joni Ernst Defends Whistleblowers | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) agrees with Senate Finance Committee chair and fellow Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley: whistleblowers should be protected.

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We need a Patriotic ACTING POTUS ASAP!

The BIG Q: Will Ernst vote to impeach the Extorionist-In-Chief and the Christian-Hypocrite-VP?


Well, that’s a pretty tepid response from someone who touted their history of castrating pigs. Get a grip, Joni…literally.


Is it just me or does the focus on Ukraine and corruption in that response seem to play more to the right-wing “Ukraine/Biden corruption” narrative than the “protect whistleblowers” narrative suggested by the headline?


She stands in solidarity with whistleblowers like she does with fellow rape victims.


When the same attendee pressed the Iowa senator on whether it’s OK for Trump to attempt to extort other countries, Ernst abruptly cut her off.

This tells me people, even in red states, are paying attention and not at all happy with Trump. Explains why impeachment numbers continue to rise at Trump’s expense. If Republicans were smart, they’d see the writing on the wall (it’s in English, after all), and get in front of this.

By the way, both Iowa Senators publicly support whistleblowers? Is there something in my corn I should be worried about?


Ernst said. “They need to continue dealing with corruption. I don’t care where it is, I don’t care who it is, when it is. Corruption is corruption and it should be combatted.”

Unless of course it’s the POTUS and he’s a GOP. Then it’s all good and nothing to see here, right Jodi??


Congress should vote on a resolution to protect the whistleblower. Democrats in the senate should submit it to McConnell for a vote. Make them take a stand in pubic.

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No, they shouldn’t, not on something to “protect” the whistleblower. There are already strong laws in place.

Singling this out for a resolution would imply that other whistleblowers don’t have the same levels of protection.

Now a resolution condemning the president’s words about the whistleblower, that’s a good idea. That would put republicans in a bit of a pickle.


Nope, it’s not just you.


Agree with the sense of most that Repuglicans like Ernst will continue to talk ‘willingly’ about corruption as long as they can emphasize the Biden red herring while avoiding the more substantive subject of corruption and conspiracy WRT Trump, Pompeo, Barr et al


Hardly the full-throated defense of whistleblowers the headline implies. Tepid and offhand at best.


That’s Joni’s best effort.


Sounded Ernst but not earnest.


That’s not the strong defense of Trump you might expect, a lot of hedging in there, a lot of places where she can run and say “see, I was talking about Trump” while sounding like she’s talking about Biden to the right wing nuts. It’s definitely a politician’s answer, and she cut off the far more difficult question so she didn’t have to answer it. That tells you all you need to know about her election plan, she’s going to try to thread the line between hugging Trump and holding him at bay…he’s not popular in Iowa, but she can’t thrown him under the bus because Republicans there depend on the crazy right wing faction to hold on in a close election.

Iowa voters are tuned in now because of the presidential election, some of them take it very seriously and try to meet all of the candidates they can. I would guess a Democrat snuck into her town hall (to be fair, I don’t know that Ernst is one of those that only allows supporters in, hopefully she doesn’t) and asked a tough question. Good for them, Ernst has a good chance of losing in 2020 due to her support of Trump, holding her feet to the fire for the next 13 months will make that happen, as long as the Dems get a good candidate.


She has a spine of overcooked spaghetti.


Truth serum?

She had it pretty easy in the Republican year of 2014, 2020 is a whole different ballgame. Lots of Senators in this situation, really. Cornyn of Texas comes to mind. They’re in the race of their lives this time.

She’s striving for Collinesque stature in troubled concern, but hasn’t quite figured out how to make that play in Iowa.


If corruption should be ‘ferreted out’ then we need to start with Poopie Diaper’s hair. And work our way down.