John Lewis To Seek Treatment For Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) announced Sunday that he is seeking treatment after being diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer.

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Meanwhile Trump will live to be 103 and torment people all the way to the end.

Messages of support soon rolled in for the veteran lawmaker and civil rights icon [John Lewis].

I wonder if any of them will be from Republicans.


This news is brutal, hard to take.


Anyone doing so publicly will get primaried.

Right along with Mitch
Beginning to think he is an alien

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John Lewis is to me way more than an icon. A guy who has values he sticks by which among politicians is unheard of.
Hang in there Mr. Lewis… we need ya.
I have had two bouts of cancer. One in 2012. The other this past July, the very day trump spoke with Zelensky.
Both of my cancers were solved with surgery and they were not the same kind of cancer. I say this to offer that advances have been made that offer Mr. Lewis a chance at a cure. I hope for him and us treatment is successful.


Don’t give up about this or anything else. John Lewis hasn’t about this diagnosis.

“While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance.

And we all know he will fight like hell.

John Lewis is an icon, but more are out there doing the work that must be done or waiting in the wings mustering their courage. Unlike Trump, John Lewis will be remembered proudly and reverently, a positive role model for all people.


I hope Congressman Lewis can give RBG a call–she and her doctors have managed to get through at least one episode of pancreatic cancer successfully. I have a feeling RBG and Congressman Lewis are both cut from the same tough cloth, so I am hopeful.


Rep John Lewis didn’t get those scars on his head for nothing or by being a patsy. Fighting Jimmy Crow took courage. He even had the decency years later to make recompense with his attacker.
He can show the will to fight this battle.
Its one of the reasons why I contribute to a couple of worthwhile organizations each year at my work charitable contributions. One cancer research related and Doctors without borders. Those who do yeoman work alleviating suffering.


I saw this last night, very upsetting news. My aunt passed away from Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer but, she chose not to seek treatment. Hopefully, there are some clinical trials out there that can help him.


Not all pancreatic cancers are the same. Adenocarcinoma is the most common and generally carries a poor prognosis. (This is what Michael Landon, Ted Night, and Patrick Swayze died from.) Neuroendocrine cancer of the pancreas on the other hand has much better 5 year survival even with stage IV disease. (Steve Jobs died from this -8 years after his original diagnosis)


Damn it all. Hang in their Mr. Lewis.


Pancreatic cancer is almost always found at stage IV because that is when the symptoms first appear.

God bless John Lewis. A genuine rebel with a cause.


One of the many Portraits in Courage of Lewis. An American Hero of the sort that is hard to find these days.


I read a bio on Landon’s personal life last week or the week before while looking for something else.
He was born Eugene Maurice Orowitz in Forest Hills, NY. He had an interesting childhood. I discovered my perception of him was wrong after reading it. He really was a pretty decent guy.
Hope John Lewis has better luck with his cancer.


First Elijah Cummings and now this…if there really is a God then they must be an asshole to take people like this out of the equation and leave people like Trump and Moscow Mitch here to cause more pain and suffering.


Dick Cheney is the embodiment of the why Karma doesn’t exist. Any of that mumbo jumbo ever comes up, and you kill kumbaya with a quick Cheney reference.

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If you can call what he does “living.”