Fox News published a piece this Tuesday afternoon reporting that more than 100 of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ former clerks had signed onto a letter defending the justice’s “integrity” and “independence.” The signatories argued that recent media reports on him unethically accepting luxurious gifts from billionaire donors and people with business before the high court are simply all “part of larger attack on the Court” and its “legitimacy.”
Fox News published a piece this Tuesday afternoon reporting that more than 100 of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ former clerks had signed onto a letter defending the justice’s “integrity” and “independence.” The signatories argued that recent media reports on him unethically accepting luxurious gifts from billionaire donors and people with business before the high court are simply all “part of larger attack on the Court” and its “legitimacy.”
Please forward these signatories to the appropriate Judicial Ethics and IRS authorities for a closer look…
I just gotta love how Justice Clarence Thomas is a walking talking billboard for reform of SCOTUS, and how now 112 signees to a letter of his integrity (cough,cough) have shown a blinding light on this billboard for all to notice.
And, I never thought I would say this, brightest light of all, John Eastman.
I wonder if any of those clerks would even be privy to dealings Thomas had with his patrons. Knowing he was treading in dangerous waters I’m sure he would keep it quiet. He might be a grifter and a cheat but Thomas isn’t stupid. At least, not completely stupid.
I wonder if keeping quiet is true. They all think this is OK - if done ‘in the family’. The ivy-to-clerk-to-big-job pipeline is just part of the gravytrain grift. They all hope to end up in his position.
Another great idea from TPM. “Where Things Stand.” An evening wrap-up of the day’s events, with new insight and ideas. And of course, a new place to get fresh comments! Great Job, Nicole and team!
An unfortunate misplacement probably around the same time they the lost track of their integrity, all the things starting with i got misfiled; although we should mention they have managed to stay on top of their c things, corruption and crime.
So all those former Judge Thomas clerks thinks it’s totally acceptable to accept bribes and not report huge gifts appropriately. How far this country has fallen. . . truly sad.