On the campaign trail, Kent has painted a terrifying picture of a nation under siege from violent terrorists and authoritarians. Kent, a two-time Republican House candidate in Washington state, has described “antifa” as “foot soldiers” for Democrats who stage murders and riots with “impunity.” He’s warned of a radical “trans agenda” designed to “erode the family unit” and replace it with “government.” He’s suggested that the FBI should “target” antifa but also be defunded, brought “to heel,” and replacedwith “constitutional sheriffs,” adherents of a controversial movement that has been linked to white supremacists and militia groups.
Sounds like “The Most Extreme House Candidate You’ve Never Heard Of” is about as extreme as any other random sample GOP House candidate. His anonymity is only due to the overwhelming majority of his peers who have made public statements indistinguishable to the ones Joe Kent has uttered.
I’ve heard of him! He’s very evil. Neo-nazi, violent, the embodiment of all that is bad.
The guy is out there.
Additionally, it forces opponents hoping to defeat him in a staunchly MAGATS district way to the right. Marie has to play nice with the MAGATS to get elected.
He’s a stone’s throw from Portland and is part of a swath of virulent fashy ex-urban and rural countryside that stretches north towards Seattle. This is also where a large number of Portland’s cops reside, explaining their behavior towards citizens. The disdain and outright hatred they have of our city is palpable. Kent is a menace, for sure, but he’s not at all unique. He’s actually a fair representation of the GOP in these parts.
Good question. The wikipedia article at Joe Kent - Wikipedia mostly supports his story and the point that he is pretty damned extreme. It seems possible he is employing agitprop techniques and does not believe all he is promoting but that’s not a hair worth splitting in the teeth of what his nominal political party has become.
If you have no borders…no limits you should be able to come up with something more original than “political prisoners” or “tyranny”. There’s nothing original to this guy. He’s a copy cat extremist. Driving on the right side of the road while wearing his seat belt and bitching about tyranny and mandates.
Ohhh we’ve heard about him here in the greater Portland Metro Area. He’s so damn extreme that he was able to flip a reliably red district blue for the first time, if I recall correctly, in over twenty five years.
Let’s not make this about Special Forces please, I’m a retired Army Ranger myself.
I think he’s just a stuffed shirt. Like a chef that opens a restaurant and uses a cookbook to set the menu. He’s not got an original thought. It’s all monkey see monkey do with this no count poseur.