Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. pushed for his personal trainer to get a “sweet deal” to use athletic facilities belonging to Liberty University in 2011, Reuters reported Tuesday, based on internal emails, court documents and other sources.
Another grifter, scam artist, thief, entitled ass. I forgot hypocrite. Exactly when did being a minister become a license to steal? Anyone who became aligned with the religious right in our circle of friends is no longer a friend.
I am sure this was the intention of the generous gift from the donor. That Liberty U. would “sell” it at a discount and then begin paying for/leasing it long into the future - accruing future costs to the University. Isn’t that why donor’s give - in order to make sure costs to the non-profit would increase? (visualize a dramatic eyeroll.)
The guy’s name is Crosswhite - I’m going to steal a line from Charlie Pierce and say that the writers of our national reality show need to be fired (or at least required to share their stash.)
flim-flam gospel figures from the 1980s, - and his sex scandals and subsequent five-year prison sentence for fraud and conspiracy revealed him to be a charlatan to everyone on earth
ah … and this fine horn-dog
or this fine philanderer
“In Bed with Garner Ted” is an interview with one of the women who had an affair with Garner Ted Armstrong.
I don’t know. A personal trainer over here, a pool boy over there. I’m just waiting for the “massage therapist” guy to show up, and this whole sordid story will be complete. Well, except for the insincere tearful breakdown ala Jimmy Swaggert.