Japan’s Coronavirus State Of Emergency Isn’t A Lockdown. So What Does It Mean? | Talking Points Memo

TOKYO (AP) — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and six other hard-hit Japanese prefectures to fortify the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. But this is no European or Wuhan-style lockdown. A look at what Japan’s state of emergency entails:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1302388

Confirmation that it was a good idea to shut down the 2020 Olympics.


I think we’re going to see what a worse case scenario looks like in Japan.


It looks like the country with the oldest population is in for a world of death.

Maybe we can send them the esteemed Dr. Jared WonderKush to save the day? Or gouge them for PPE from the Trump National Stockpile?

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Abe wears mask…

Covidiot Trump will NOT wear mask…


My fear as well. My in-laws are in their 80s and my father-in-law already suffers from lung problems. At least we’ve finally got them to stay home.

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Japanese aren’t a bunch of dumbfucks that need to be told what to do and face legal fees and punishment to do the right thing over “freedumb”?