ES&S machines are used in Maine, South Carolina and Kentucky, all states won by Republicans. I have no idea who makes the tabulators in use in Vermont.
Julie Fancelli, heiress to the Publix fortune, may have wanted to have Roger Stone and Alex Jones
I am conflicted on this one, one one hand I don’t want to be patronizing wingnut insurrection bankrollers. But Publix is the only supermarket within a reasonable walking distance from my house, and they treat their employees very well, some of the cashiers were already there when I moved into my current house 10 years ago (I don’t remember ever seeing a cashier twice at Kroger or Walmart). Besides I don’t buy that much there, just when I run out of tomatoes or milk. The bulk of my groceries I buy them at Asian supermarkets.
Well at least it was the best foreign leader speech to congress in the 80+ years since Churchill’s and the best by a non English speaker.
See that search box in the upper right corner of your browser? Use it. I am not your information butler (to quote Josh). You’re the one asserting that there are only two voting machine manufacturers doing business in the united states.
Dominion should NOT settle. Hash this out in court. Let Fox try and fail to defend their indefensible behavior. Take it to a NY jury. Bankrupt Fox.
Christopher Barcenas: Proud Boy and Floridian First
I’m reading so you don’t have to!
Barcenas seems like a lonely, fearful wannabe-something perhaps unknown even to himself.
Why did he go to PB rallies?
“It was just like kind of going to a music festival.”
What values do the PB’s represent?
“Pro-capitalism, pro-free speech, pro-second amendment, venerating the wife so that she could have the option to work if she wanted to, but she shouldn’t be shamed if she didn’t want to. And, you know, dedicate more time to the family.”
What can I add? If anything he said was true, he is about the most hapless human being on the planet.
I believed him in all his dopiness until the very end, when he stated that he went to PB rallies because “It’s nice to go out and get some fresh air.”
Where is Mel Brooks when you need him?
Venerating the wife!!!
Never fails, those that braying about illegal voting, are themselves perpetrators…
That won’t happen. The suit is “only” asking for $1.6 bil and Fox’ parent company reported $6 bil in income last year (that’s income, not revenue). It’ll sting, but it won’t bankrupt them. A year without management bonues would be a healthy thing for that company.
I read Roger Stone’s deposition and am now working through the testimony of Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Points USA, which has chapters on college campuses across the country.
One thing different from the televised hearings as I recall them is there is a great amount of attention to the money trails. How Fancelli, the Publix heir, transferred money to Turning Points with instructions from Charlie Kirk, for example.
There is also a great point when the J6 Committee shows screenshots of Signal communications—I worried that none of those encrypted coms would be available, but some of them are.
Plenty here worth reading, even if Stone and Kirk are willing to say almost nothing. Kirk would not answer his age or his education!
Can I get the full report, transcripts, etc. on my Kindle? I’ve got some time off over the holidays.
But, I don’t have the space for that huge stack of paper.
Wonder what ever happened to old Diebold? They were all about voting machines back in the day. I know their ATM machines are ubiquitous and their elevator business has been up and down, but what ever became of their voting machine division? (does a little troll info-self-butlering)…
I’m sure you will be able to in a day or two. The exec “summary” is already downloadable directly from the committee’s website. I don’t understand why people want to buy a copy from amazong.
…and they were laughably insecure. Basically they got drummed out of the business. Now why certain states seemed rather eager to buy laughably insecure (and un-auditable) voting systems is food for thought.
Rhodes: “I feel like a Jew in Germany”
Unctuous sociopathic creep.
His heart bleeds at injustice: My Lai, Abu Ghraib, Ferguson, Katrina, Breonna Taylor.
Scary bastard.
ETA: And fan of Tucker.
I heard it was stuck between floors.
Interesting couple of pages, 27 and 28, in the testimony of Mayra Rodriguez, a Michigan attorney and fake elector.
She talks about how a woman who was part of the fake elector business said she had gotten a call from the president, and was introduced to the president—in the call, as I understood it—by Ronna Romney McDowell, RNC chair.
That seems significant.
A whole lot of people who should have known better decided to throw in with TDFG. I know a lot of them will walk on all of the illegality. My hope is that enough of them face consequences that people will stop and think twice before engaging in something similar in the future.
If you want combativeness, read the deposition of Vets for Trump speaker and organizer Joshua Eric Macias, represented by his “not a potted plant” attorney Lorenzo Palomares. The whole thing is interesting, and then at the end they try to get into a lawsuit Macias and others filed in January 2021 against Pete Sessions, Mark Zuckerberg, and others relating to the election. Macias was at the garage meeting that linked the Proud Boys with Rhodes’s Oath Keepers, and on January 6 he called Mike Pence a Benedict Arnold during a speech at the Capitol. The questioning tries to get at whether Macias believed that Trump could call veterans back into duty on a moment’s notice. Lots of stuff going on in the testimony.
You will be happy to know that this obnoxious menace was found guilty of two counts of Violations of the Uniform Firearms Act on Oct 13, 2022 in Philadelphia, for going armed to the Convention Center during the vote count.