Jan. 6 Panel Hearing, Round Four: MAGALand’s Pressure Campaign On The States - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I will when Neville grows a fucking spine and stops hiding behind some idiotic DOJ memo from the fucking 1970s. Its very existence puts the lie to the pathetic notion that “no one is above the law.” Fat Trump will nto be prosecuted. Mark my words.

Once again, you show no knowledge of how the DoJ works.

Garland’s job is largely policy oriented.
The J6 investigations are being run by the US Atty for DC and other DoJ lawyers.

Several grand juries are actively working on the J6 cases, including Trump’s involvement.
Like all Grand juries, their deliberations are secret.

No DoJ memorandum from the '70s has anything to do with the J6 investigations.

Your continued refusal to understand how these thing are done doesn’t speak well of your intellectual abilities—but your whining and carping certainly tells us that you’re still pissed that you didn’t get that unicorn for your birthday.


How about “flight risk”?


Also plausible, but I think pretrial services can probably mitigate the flight risk with an ankle monitor. And of course, he’ll have to give up his passport, not that lack of one would result in him getting denied entry to the Emirates or wherever.


Custer’s Last Words: “Well, at least I don’t have to go back to North Dakota.”


LOL. Sometimes I think we’d feel better if we could die of embarrassment in those moments, instead of having to suffer through them. But we’ve all been there, so hopefully that person got over it. Besides, the person worked with dogs, right? I doubt it was their first time encountering inquisitive sniffing!

(I should add on the skirt issue… that I’m specifically talking about comfortable stretchy cotton knit skirts and leggings. The kind you can pull on and move around easily in. otherwise if they’re too tight or constricting, it’s not so comfortable. I tend to stay away from zippers.)


Ummmmm… You do realize that Garland wasn’t at DOJ when the Mueller report stuff came out… And that that memo only refers to sitting presidents, so isn’t at all applicable in this instance now that he’s out of office.

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several years back I when I used to watch or listen to all the Sox games, I was visiting friends in NYC for a week during a Sox/Orioles series that was important to the standings. I found a list online of Red Sox friendly bars in NYC… there are some! I ended up at a bar/restaurant on Christopher St. on a Sunday afternoon watching with these long-time Sox fans that regularly went there. It was a fun way to watch a game.

I even saw a couple other people on the subway w/ Red Sox attire, which I thought was brave. Then again, the Yankees were in the cellar that season so maybe the vitriol was somewhat subdued.


Oh okay. Never mind then.

A) they do not sit on the Supreme Court
B) they have both proclaimed that their Religious beliefs do not dictate their political decisions.
C) Assholes like C. Thomas and the handmaiden are so blinded by their catholic brainwashing that they should Never be allowed to make any decision that affects anyone other than themselves. Throw in Alito and Kavanaugh also. People who force Their religious beliefs on others are in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution AND the INTENT of the Founders.

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You mean like Sonia Sotomayor.

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This court is made up almost entirely of extreme rightwing Catholics. That has been a Republican aim forever. There are Catholics like Sotomayor, Biden, Pelosi et al who understand that their personal faith is their faith, and that they do not have the right to use their political power to force their personal beliefs on others. This abuse of power by the majority on the Court means that there must from now on be a religious test for candidates for the Court.


Gored your particular ox, did I.


I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Did you just say “my initial statement that any Roman Catholic should be a priori disqualified from service on the court was incorrect”?

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Al Smith and Jack Kennedy would like a word…

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Any Catholic who makes ruling affecting ALL Americans based on their personal religious beliefs…and who LIE during confirmation in order to get on the court so that they can cram their religion down all our throats.
That pretty much takes in Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, the Handmaiden They all lied blatantly during their confirmations, and should be impeached off the Court.
Until there is a better balance of people on this court, no Roman Catholic should be considered.

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So a religious quota system, then. Got it.

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Because is that not exactly what Trump and his buddies have been operating under? They have sought out not just catholics, but catholics who adhere to the most extreme tenets of that faith. The handmaiden belongs to that weird secret club that puts her adherence to the “faith” above all else. Alito is in one of the many ultra catholic groups. Thomas is just a stupid hypocrite, but his blind inability too tell the difference from what the priests told him in school, and what our Constitution says is the rule of LAW for this SECULAR nation should disqualify him from being a Judge of any kind.
They all lied in order to get confirmed, and that should be grounds for impeachment.
Calm down and look past your own bias, and admit what the actual facts on the ground are. This court is corrupt, and when its members believe it is OK to lie in the name of their fundementalist rightwing agenda, this country is in trouble. The rightwing has corrupted the Congress, they corrupted the Presidency with Reagan, Bush 1&2, and finally with Trump. All 3 branches of our government. Wake up!

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