Jan. 6 Committee Members Push Back Against DOJ Demand For Records

After the Justice Department pressed the congressional Jan. 6 Committee to provide all of its deposition records for ongoing federal criminal cases, members of the committee said that while they wouldn’t be an obstacle to the DOJ’s work, they also had to focus on their own investigation and wanted federal prosecutors to be more specific in their request. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1420549

Cooperate please…
The DoJ and the J6 committee need to get over their “territorial dispute”. This is about trump and his traitorous crimes.


In his appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, Schiff pushed back on the idea that the DOJ should expect “all” of the committee’s deposition transcripts, which now number in the hundreds.

I am ok with the committee being more restrictive while they are still conducting their investigation. However, there better be a plan to deliver all records to the DOJ should Republicans take the House in November.


Hopefully this isn’t a bid by DOJ to sequester and impound the records to prevent further use by Congress.

Merrick Garland has thus far not inspired me with confidence.


That ought to happen well before November. Probably with release of the J6 Committee’s final report this summer.


Things have political value and, or, legal value. Things of legal value take years if ever to use. Things with political value can be used immediately.

The Commitee is correct they must finish their job first.


Sharing is caring. Let’s be big boys and girls and figure this out.

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Among other things, it’s a transcription and cataloging challenge. These things take time. Agreed they better have a plan they can execute before November.


Democrats. They want the DOJ to conduct separate interviews when the J6 committee has the dirt already?

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It sounds to me like DOJ doesn’t want to get specific because they don’t want anyone to get an idea of who they’re specifically targeting, so they’re asking for the whole enchilada. The 1/6 committee has got their hands full and wants specifics. Plus, they’d probably like an idea as to who DOJ is targeting. This is a good fight they’re having and one that shouldn’t upset anyone who backs the good guys.


This is the federal government. By now they ought to be familiar with carting loads of paper or more conveniently… thumb drives and computers drives containing the necessary materials from one place to another in DC. This is stuff they would not put on the web just yet.
Welcome to our commentary sandlot.


The DOJ can do their own homework. As Schiff indicated in the CNN interview, in his view there’s little evidence that the DOJ has actually done very much to open a direct investigation or grand jury focused on Trump, on the matters that Judge Carter highlighted as prosecutable crimes.

Imho, unless Garland is telling the Committee that he’s ready to move on Trump tomorrow if the J6 Comm gives him transcripts, I would tell the DOJ to go fly a kite. DOJ doesn’t have a right to seize all of the Committee’s evidence while they’re in a middle of historic, ground breaking hearings. Specify what it is you want and the J6 Comm will happily assist.


Should the GOP win, they’ve got until January, but the 1/6 Committee has said they plan to finish their investigation and release their report before the midterms.


Does anyone remember the last time we were in this fix?
The House Ds were starting investigations, then Mueller was appointed. Almost immediately, HE got given the keys to the kingdom and every other investigation was put on hold because it was going to infringe on Super Secret Super Patriot Straight Shooter Mueller with his amazing powers and the largest scope of any investigation in history.

Then he chicken-shitted and short-armed, Bill Barr destroyed the rest of it (except the 10 Obstruction of Justice charges), all the stillborn investigations that weren’t Mueller remained DOA, and Barr went on to kill all the other investigations that should have been spun-off from Mueller. Then, the Ds left the 10 obstruction cases untouched and went tilting at windmills with some foreign interference Impeachment about Ukraine, Rudy, and some diplomats.

The Dems SHOULD be very leery of bending over for DoJ again.


“What have they been doing over there?” the congresswoman added.

Indeed. Prosecutors need to show willing here and some good faith before J6 interrupts its flow. Here’s a start: get the dang Presidential seal off the golf courses, eh? Not a lot of investigation required there and only DOJ can do it.


That letter from DoJ pissed me off, and it sounds like it pissed off the J6 committee too.

There is no public evidence that DoJ has been subpoenaing the leadership of the insurrection, or getting the extensive interviews that the J6 committee has, and now that the breadth and depth of the committee’s work is becoming clear, DoJ appears to be rightly embarrassed at their lack of effort going after the ring leaders.

So rather than getting their shit together, they send a snippy letter implying that the committee hasn’t been sharing evidence with them. I smell bureaucratic bullshit and ass covering on DoJ’s part.

Merrick Garland, do your f$king job.


Adam Schiff has proven himself time and time again to be a person who acts without ego to do what he thinks is best for the future of our democracy. He’s also got a brilliant legal mind. So if he says the DOJ needs to make their request more specific and not just be given the whole mess of files then I have no problem accepting that there are good reasons for it.


Lots of perceptions going different directions. The J6 Committee is doing well, so far, and enough of them are willing to put the country first.


Ok, that’s not at all what happened. Mueller was appointed in May of 2017. His findings and report weren’t released until March of 2019, only two months after Dems took control of the House. The House D’s couldn’t have been starting investigations at the time Mueller was appointed because they didn’t control the House.

Yes, and now Bill Barr is a private citizen with no ability to destroy anything and Joe Biden is president so there’s no DOJ memo that protects Trump. We are about as far away from then as we could possibly be. There’s literally no comparison.


Are there still Trump lapdogs at DOJ that would happily throw sand into the January 6th Committee investigations? My guess is yes.

Give the DOJ access afterwards. Or have them specify the transcripts they want and review them with trusted people in SCIF. The fingers of MAGA are long and durable, and need to be hacked off.