A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1462546
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
Meta’s Threads is fun. It’s like watching your friends walk into a party and rag on how bad that party we left was.
Here’s my Charlie. He’s a little devil when he’s not sleeping.
I’m allergic. If I post a cat pic, I might go into Anaphylaxis.
Hail TPM! It’s the crackerjack team TPM has assembled that wins the day. Congratulations!
WaPo: Why a sudden surge of broken heat records is scaring scientists
The world is going to hell in an earth mover, but at least we now have our flying cars!
One of the great ironies of the current era is that as much as the right rails against ‘Cancel Culture’, they are the masters at neutering certain subjects. Climate change has virtually become a political footnote, despite its devastating and growing impact. What will future generations think of us: we knew this terrible event was happening based on our actions, but did nothing to stop it?
Oh Well
Michael Protzman, leader of Dallas QAnon group, dies after crash in Minnesota (msn.com)
ichael Brian Protzman, the leader of a QAnon-centric group who brought hundreds of followers to Dallas to await the supposed resurrections of long-dead President John F. Kennedy and his son — tearing countless families apart in the process — died following a crash last month, according to authorities in Minnesota.
Protzman was 60. His death, which occurred June 30, was confirmed to The Dallas Morning News by officials in Olmsted County, about 100 miles south of Minneapolis.
According to a death report obtained by Vice News, Protzman died of blunt-force injuries after losing control of a dirt bike on June 23, one week before his death.
2+ minutes of total BULLSHIT
‘Indistinguishable from QAnon’: First Lady of Florida slammed over ‘Mamas for DeSantis’ video - Alternet.org
A Q Dropped?
(too soon?)
Spoken by someone who is truly an authority on the matter.
Have they checked the brakes assembly for tampering by the deep state or Soros agents?
Tuxies are clowns and wise guys.
siegfried and roy? WhEre’s my epipeN?
So, has trump been put on trial, found guilty and jailed yet?
Thank the Maker for the Tour de France to divert my attention
Big celebration day for TPM! $500,000.
And I hope somebody there makes an enormous banner of Sebastian Gorka’s quote:
“Don’t be such a political whore … TPM is a propaganda outfit for the Left who hate America. Here’s your quote: ‘Talking Points Memo are whores for the DNC.’” —Sebastian Gorka
Execution first. Trial later.