J. Christian Adams Settles Lawsuit Over Voter Fraud Reports

A former Trump voter fraud commissioner will apologize to citizens he wrongly described as a noncitizens in reports claiming mass voter fraud in Virginia, according to a tentative settlement agreement reached this week in a lawsuit brought against the commissioner.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1236026

included names, phone numbers, addresses and social security numbers of individuals

This is an appallingly weak settlement. I’m almost surprised they didn’t also make PILF (as in pilfer) include sending them the contact info for a subscription to LifeLock.

And they think this will "serve as a deterrent to anyone who might consider schemes to intimidate voters”?


“Apologize”? Toss that deplorable Trump chump into a border detainment facility, and throw away the keys.


It does not feel like justice has been served here.


A GOPer got religion? Yes, when his tit is in a wringer.


Since when did apologies suffice as punishment for serious crimes? Only when christian conservatives are involved. The Department of Justice and our courts including the Roberts Supreme court are simply there for rich christian conservatives. Bribery, pedophilia, treason, rigged election vote tallies and outcomes are all fine for these special folk.


“The Foundation looks forward to discussing the vast resources behind those who oppose election integrity and engage in efforts to stifle any speech that raises awareness of the real vulnerabilities in the security of American elections,” PILF said.

I wonder if these folks will have a chat with Mitch McConnell, whose refusal to bring to a vote a bill to better protect the vote next year would certainly under this description.


When will there be jail time for those who attempt to disenfranchise legitimate voters in mass amounts? The Texas 2018 secretary of state’s attempt to remove every naturalized citizen of the past 20 years, the Florida 2000 purge of 93,000 voters with ethnic names, Georgia’s ongoing 2019 efforts to deny citizens moving from Puerto Rico drivers’ licenses.


How far we have fallen when a symbolic slap on the wrist is all we can expect when voting rights suppressers are successfully called out in courts of law.


Nah, they haven’t really learned their lesson, have they?


“This case and its result should serve as a deterrent to anyone who might consider schemes to intimidate voters” [said the good guys]

Yes, having to issue an apology is a terrifying prospect

The [bad guy] group [blamed Virginia, then] said it was nonetheless expanding its “efforts to document voter fraud and election vulnerabilities nationwide.”

Right, there you go. Clearly a deterrant.


What a bunch of jackals. They should be in JAIL for publishing personal information that they KNEW was a lie.


So… what sanctions is the state of Virginia going to face?

I assume PILF will be leading the litigation, given their commitment to election integrity.



PudPounders I’d Like to Flay

No–the whole tone of that statement is that they’re not to blame and, in the meantime, there’s more of the same kind of work to do.

If/when “Chris” Kobach shakes off the delusion that the Republican Party in Kansas wants him to be their candidate for U.S. Senate, maybe he could hook up with them (and screw them up by means of his well-documented ineptitude).


Public Interest Legal Foundation
P (317) 203-5599
F (888) 815-5641

does that zero fax thing still work?


Not only that but list on their website and published report a person’s personal information, they should have to provide to these people identity theft protection.

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That was my first thought, too. If any of these people is a victim of identity theft, they have a built-in lawsuit against PILF for aiding & abetting. I almost hope it happens.


Oh, cool.
As long as they are “profoundly” regretful that they got caught lying about and defaming and accusing citizens of felonies, it’s all good.
If they were just “regretful”, I would still be enraged.
And now PILF can go ahead with their patriotic duties after this slight misstep.