Despite the White House’s best efforts, the author of the anonymous White House resistance op-ed in the New York Times a year ago is still under wraps.
Like Murder on the Orient Express, they probably all had a hand in it. An ineffectual version of the 25th Amendment as befits this inept Administration.
My money’s on Kellyanne Conway. George plays the enemy of the admin in his tweets and commentary, KC plays the loyal trumpite, and when trumpism is over, they’ll both emerge with job offers waiting for them.
Whoever it was is a weasel. Trying to make the public believe that there’s some form of control over events, policies, diplomacy happening in the WH. The op-ed struck me as propaganda at the time. Still does.
If that’s a real person (which I doubt), he or she will profit from it after leaving the office. The public should know better than to give oxygen to the FAKE “resistance” (cuz the media definitely will).