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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
I’d like to contribute to this asshole’s “health problems” by kicking him in the balls so many times the cries of mothers weeping for their children finally gets through his black heart. Die slowly and in agony you fucking evil piece of shit.
I’ll leave the political analysis to others and just say, fuck this evil piece of shit.
Does this mean that thoughts and prayers don’t actually fix anything? Now that my mind is blown (eye’s rolling as I type), LaPierre is an evil, crooked old bastard who deserves bankruptcy and jail time.
“Our children are counting on us to stop the deadly gun violence that is destroying the nation’s soul and their futures.”
It’s too soon for that.
I would LOVE for the NRA’s days to be over!! I hope that happens! But we need to be careful, as they will likely morph into some organization that is less public and more sinister. Keep your eyes open!
Worth mentioning on background for LaPierre that he is considered an intellectual in the esoterica of guns, and for many years. He didn’t just spring out of the ol’ knee-jerk Republican prick industrial complex.
The NRA says government can’t tell people what to do about guns, but NRA members are fine with government telling women what they can and can’t do in a pregnancy?
The statistics in the article are truly shocking. We have become a violent and blood-thirsty society in order to dump democracy and get King George back in power.
The Daily Double!
I can quite imagine that someone who has been caught embezzling from an organization pitched at angry weapons fetishists who like to express themselves with little lumps of copper and lead is going to have health problems real soon.
Explains why every second show on Netflix has some English bastard getting union rates.
It’s been 317 years, and I’m still not over it.
No, no, he’s not evil. He just likes nice things and, well, that has a cost. And, heck, he doesn’t even know those dead schoolchildren and the tens of thousands of others shot down, so hey. Bespoke suits are expensive, but we knew that.
The NRA is hopefully on its last legs, but be ready for at least one or two groups to start up in its wake. If the manufacturers settle on a single “non-profit” replacement for the NRA it will be much more militant. It may not even operate as a non-profit to avoid the trappings that come with being a non-profit.
GunDash®. An AR-15 delivered to your home, ordered via an app on your phone. Handy when that argument breaks out over who was the best guard to ever play for the Lakers.
What I don’t fully understand is how the NRA - which I thought was a 501-c(3) - was able to fund its political activities without running afoul of tax law. Or is that part of their current legal woes?
The second is the cliché that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
Actually, it’s bullets fired from guns that kill people.
Was it Chris Rock who proposed that each bullet should cost $100?
will the U.S., free of the NRA’s toxic influence, eventually be able to end its distinction as the nation with the highest rate of gun-related deaths and injuries?
While I revel in the thought of the NRA being a thing of the past, I just don’t see a future where the US is not the nation with the highest rate of gun-related deaths and injuries. Guns are so baked into the national psyche that simple inertia and the sheer number of firearms already in this country will keep us in that #1 spot for generations.
"A well regulated militia…"
Such a quaint little phrase, so easily ignored.
I don’t know. Sounds French to me!