Iraqi Parliament Votes To Expel U.S. Troops After Trump’s Iran Strike

Would that be the airport we destroyed 16 years ago?


Thank you, M. Duboef. And all of you who do for others. Thank you.


If there is anything to this, Saudi Arabia will be having problems with its oil facilities and/or wind up short a crown prince or two.


So now this is happening, or not depending on which news org. you read.

CBP is denying the claims, and report wait times at the border are longer because of the holiday. But the questions asked are the same questions they were asking Iranian student visa holders, and when the Muslim ban was in effect.
And since CBP has been so upfront and transparent with news orgs. lawyers, journalists, and the damn public about their methods who knows what is true and what is getting blown out of proportion.


No idea. Trump was talking about it like he was out there years ago slapping mortar on bricks. But of course he added it was before his time, in case anyone wanted to ever think he was responsible for anything ever.

ETA there’s always a Daniel Dale tweet clarifying Trump’s bullshit.

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CBP lies. It is known.

tRump says they have to pay for the airfield we built. Like that’s going to happen. He is delusional.

Ortagus said the U.S. “remains committed to a sovereign, stable, and prosperous Iraq.”
Ms. Ortagus went on to add 'We will take any additional destabilizing measures we can think of to help bring this about."
Talk about disconnectedly dumb!

They can set up a joint account with Mexico to consolidate all of the money that Trump has decided other countries are going to give us.