Iowa Dems Will Release At Least Half Of Caucus Results Soon — But Which Half? | Talking Points Memo

The Iowa Democratic Party has acquired a mop, and it’s going to clean up… about half of the mess it made last night.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

We could screw up a two car funeral


Uh, how about something like, “We’re still working on it and we want to get it exactly right. So, we’ll release the final results as soon as they’re available. Thanks for your patience. We’re incredibly sorry for the delay.”

This piecemeal crap is not going to be good at all.


Either release substantially all of the results or none of them at 4:00 Central.


I expect that they will release the initial tally first, then the total delegates.


So, the Iowa Democratic Party decided that releasing potentially misleading partial results would look better than waiting for the final tally? I believe the technical term for that is “compounding the error.”

The damage to Iowa’s reputation and the whole stupid idea of caucuses is already done. The damage to whoever could have had some “momentum” going into New Hampshire by winning is already done. The candidates have moved on. At this point, what does it hurt to wait another day or two, if that’s what it takes?


I am dumbstruck by the incompetence. The old Irish expression of “cutting a stick [with which] to beat ourselves” applies. We will never hear the end of this.

Hard to believe they would turn over an untested smartphone app to 1,600+ elderly volunteers and expect things to go smoothly.

And now we will release partial results? Words fail me.


Why yes, they CAN possibly screw this up more.


Keep them guessing!

Have they checked for Ukrainian or Russian interference?


We have now reached the “Fuck it!” stage


Which half? The left, I expect.

and the hits just keep coming.
just wow !!!
trumps fantasy being served on a gold platter.


Half the results is a disaster. We know that the first half covers mostly urban areas where Sanders did well. The second half would cover the smaller/suburban counties where Pete did well and Biden was above the 15% threshold. Just release all the results at once so we can get real data to work from and spin is minimal.


I wasn’t prepared to say that last night’s debacle would be the death of the caucus system, 'cause never underestimate the power of sentimentality, but good grief…


Gentle reminder that the changes made to the caucus procedures were demanded of the Unity Commission by…one particular candidate.


…and the FusterCluck continues…

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Not picking on you, I swear. New thread tho, so I’m repeatin’ what I spewed before:

It will be bad if they release partial results at all, but it will be Very Bad (IMO) if they release only first-tally results (as opposed to the full results - all 3 measures - from some majority of precincts). It’s hard enough to understand how caucuses work, even harder this time since there’s three different measures. What a Charlie Foxtrot it will be if they only release 1/3 of the measurement.

I think they’re still trying to collect the paper tallies from far-flung precincts which is why it’s taking so long. The live shots last night showed official-looking forms - I presume sent out by state party HQ - for recording the tallies. (Also plenty of yellow pads, but I’m guessing numbers end up transferred to the official forms? God I hope so.) Seems to me HQ is waiting to get those forms before announcing any results for a precinct (even if the results were called in or apped in last night).


A rational person would think that after all of the hyperventilating about Russians and election interference the last thing anyone with a lick of sense would attempt to use would be an untested, unverified, internet-connected vote counting system. But that person would be called a conspiracy theorist by the people who are laughing all the way to the bank to cash their Shadow, Inc checks…


Or maybe the right? Or perhaps even the middle?

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