Internal Emails Show How Chaos at the CDC Slowed the Early Response to Coronavirus | Talking Points Memo

Man that’s a good picture of Donald’s serious face. He is seriously waiting for more compliments or he’s gonna’ kick someone’s ass.

" Internal Emails Show How Chaos at the CDC Slowed the Early Response to Coronavirus

The CDC fumbled its communication with public health officials and underestimated the threat of the coronavirus even as it gained a foothold in the United States, according to hundreds of pages of documents ProPublica obtained."

Tell us something we don’t see and know.


“and remembered all the words.”:+1:

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How much time do you think he (Hannity) will spend explaining that over 3 million jobless claim report.

ELISA = enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

Not entirely OT: The NPR story below is a preview of how Trump will try to “reopen the country,” by assigning a risk rating for each individual county nationwide, so lower risk counties can relax stay at home rules, or avoid them in the first place.

He can’t directly countermand the Governors’ rules in each state, but this is how they’re planning to divide up the country and put pressure on people to go back to work:


Earlier we were thinking Missouri Man was gaining on Florida Man-- but wait!

Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) FTW!



Like the “Rawhide” theme, obviously about Trump supporters, and years ahead of its time:

Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
Though they’re disapprovin’
Keep them dogies movin’, rawhide
Don’t try to understand 'em
Just rope 'em, throw, and brand ‘em
Soon we’ll be livin’ high and wide"


Ahh, but once they got AIDS under control the market shrunk dramatically, since the “average” (i.e. “straight”) person no longer felt threatened by it.This is something that can touch any one of us, and frankly given a choice, I’d fund tests for my family in a heartbeat.

So, I do predict home tests before the smoke clears on all this insanity…

It can’t be overstated enough that John Rednoise was only put in as head of CDC because he is an anti-abortion zellot, who pushed fake abortion “science”. He was entirely unqualified for the job, and we are all paying for that now.

BTB, published figures have the US at only 2K people behind China in the number of Covid-19 infections. So the MAGA crowd has made USA #1 once again… :mask:


“you dumb racist fuck”. FIFY (or at least for Steve Hofstetter).

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Did seem implied didn’t it?

Well, yes…

The Mal-Administration of MAGA aka Trump Regime
(Morons Are Governing America)

The CDC’s initial response to COVID-19, particularly its failure to initiate swift, widespread testing, has drawn intense criticism.

Nonetheless, the correspondence ProPublica obtained shows that the CDC director, Dr. Robert Redfield, exuded confidence in communications with others at the agency.

There seems to be an abundance of CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE in the Trump Regime!


Yes there very goddamn well is and always has been but this crisis is really bringing it to the fore. Bringing their criminal negligence, their criminal lack of empathy for the rest of us and their criminal attempts to profiteer off of it right to the front of the entire situation.


We’re big Peter Gunn fans. Now that’s some theme music.



Never watched the show - but the Blues Brothers immortalized it for me.


“Every fucking Republican in Congress should be put on trial”

Thank you, I think I’m in love!


God yes! We’ve watched those old shows - they came on some obscure cable channel late at night and we watched them in New Mexico. That theme song was everything!

And he was awesome.


I was pretty young when all the westerns were running but my older siblings had them on the TV and in those days it was only one TV per household, so it was like the background theme music to whatever was going on.

Me, I was most imprinted by the old movies that ran in the afternoons in the early to late '60s in Southern California. One of the networks bought access to all the old studio vaults and ran them continuously from the time school got out to dinner time. They did hack them unmercifully to fit into the timeslots, but I think I saw every Hollywood musical ever made, along with all the Cagney gangster flicks and pretty much everything else.

Of course by the age of nine I could sing all the songs from the famous ones such as “Singing in the Rain” and “Wizard of Oz” but I can even hum tunes from the more obscure offerings, such as “Three Sailors and a Girl” and “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”.

I still burst into “I’m Gonna Wash that Man Right Outta My Hair” (South Pacific) when I get into the shower - my wife rolls her eyes, but has learned to accept it…