The Intelligence Community Inspector General told Congress he was being blocked from giving a whistleblower a way to securely tell the House about allegations that reportedly deal with a promise the President made to a foreign leader, according to a newly released batch of letters.
This is a smoking gun as far a Barr’s fitness for office is concerned. Comey was fired for non-compliance with regulations. Barr should be impeached.
Remember the days when Republicans b*tched and moaned about Obama being an “Imperial President.” Good times, good times.
If Hillary Clinton was President and proceeded to do everything that Trump has done the past three years, Republicans would have been impeached her 377 times by now.
“Maguire had argued that the complaint was not a matter of “urgent concern” because it dealt with someone outside the intelligence community and focused on an activity outside the DNI’s supervision.”
If it’s something outside of his supervisory mandate, how can he disclose it to DOJ but block it from the intelligence committees? Makes no sense.
We’re really on the knife edge. This gives every appearance of being a kind of “end game” here. And in my opinion, it only comes out on the side of democracy if (even a handful of) GOP senators break ranks. Folks are too busy castigating the Dems for fecklessness when the GOP controls the presidency, the Senate, much of the judiciary and the chief law enforcement officer is in Trump’s pocket. Destiny awaits.
The whistleblower will certainly bide their time before leaking, if they intend to do so. Much better to have it come out legally than deal with all the ramifications of leaking it.
It’s very telling that ICIG Atkinson stresses multiple times that he has concerns that the whistleblower is not protected from reprisal due to the complaint.
The source is probably well known now throughout the White House staff and actions are likely in motion to silence them and force them underground to thwart their right to inform Congress. No wonder they immediately retained legal counsel…
It only makes sense when the person doing the illegal act is Donald Rex. My only surprise is the culprit trying to communicate with Congress hasn’t been thrown in the Tower by now. I am sure his maleficence is pissed. Off with the tipster’s head.