Inside the Internal Debates of a Hospital Abortion Committee

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“It’s going to take physicians coming together and saying: ‘We’re not going to participate in this. We’re going to do what we think is right for patients.’”

Given that state of medicine in our for-profit insurance.medical complex, this statement seems almost quant.


all she knew was that she didn’t want to spend the next six months putting her body through the hardships of pregnancy to give birth to a baby that would never survive.

Such a selfish woman! Her kind s the reason the abortion ban was needed.


Fuck Republicans
Fuck the Electoral college
And fuck the cult that is christianity
And fuck Republicans for their right to life bullshit
And fuck Reagan and his “aww shucks” performance

And fuck the voters in this country - the ones who vote republican, too lazy to vote, the “undecideds” and those third party jag offs.

And while I’m at it, fuck the media for being lying shitbags who cannot and will not grow a fucking pair and expose these motherfuckers for who they are

Oh, and fuck anyone who has a problem with this post. You want to tut-tut and say I’m the problem because I’m fucking furious and I use “bad words”? Fuck you. You’re not angry enough. Women are FUCKING DYING and you have the luxury of being triggered by words? Get your fucking priorities in order.


She could have prayed to the baby jesus, who would have answered her prayer by taking her and her baby into heaven. Doesn’t that sound like the answer of someone who needs to be in a mental institution? Instead these fuckers run churches, fleece their idiot flocks, fuck their kids and fly around in private jets.

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Fuck yeah!

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rock good and wise man…

In a previous era, these were exactly the kind of laws that the judiciary would throw out because of vagueness or because they were unconstitutional as applied. Now the killers are on the bench as well.


Today, tomorrow or next Tuesday one of these theocratic American Taliban states (here’s looking at you Alabama) will have themselves a situation like the death of Savita Halappanavar. I can not wait to see the smooth line of bullsh*t from the pro-lifers forced birthers as they try and argue lack of access to abortion care was not the cause of death.


Sarah Palin told me that if I voted Democratic there would be death panels. I voted Democratic, and guess what?


How strategically wise is it to harp on exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother? To my mind it just enshrines and sanctifies the passage of judgement against women. What’s a better way to paint the enemy as extreme, without inadvertently buying into the edifices and institutions that are necessary to formalize this judgement?

Smugly talking shit about who should’ve kept their legs together is one thing. This is something else: a formal committee empaneled, enshrined, and sanctified into procedure and law, for the expressed purpose of judging whose circumstances earn them sovereignty over their internal organs.