Originally published at: Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos - TPM – Talking Points Memo
This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. These highlights were written by the reporters and editors who worked on this story. Project 2025, the controversial playbook and policy agenda for a right-wing presidential…
A crowd of craps afloat on a tidal wave of cash.
These assholes really are ready to win aren’t they. This stuff is chilling. They want to end freedom as we have all known it for the last 250 years.
Fascism is, by its very nature, unrelenting, stealth, and insidious.
Also, wear your tie absurdly long so that it covers your junk–always
For too long, liberalism has relied upon the spontaneous formation of a good administration every n years. But not Organized Money: they make it some shabby asshole’s job to plan meticulously how to destroy government and impose Rule by Money (aka Libertarianism).
The sword of Damocles hangs over every election in this country, and will until John Roberts is dead.
They all look like they’d be real fun at a party
Or grow the scraggliest beard you can muster so they don’t think you’re still 18 and trying to give life advice to others.
That they put themselves on video demonstrates a serious lack of self-awareness.
Much like Stalinist Russia, when there was a party commissar in every bureaucratic department and every military unit.
“I’ll take ‘Ruined’ for $100, Alex.”
“These eleven people are unemployable anywhere else forever.”
Still not as punchable as Ted Cruz, maybe if he grows a scraggly beard.
Why in the world would they publish this and then make videos? It isn’t like the general public is going to think these are great ideas. The silo must have really thick walls over there. Still, glad they did.
Or smug certainty of a paycheck from neoFascist billionaires.
How to lie without perjuring yourself 101.
How to launder hush money, bribes and gratuities without committing fraud 101.
How to dodge the question without computing contempt 101.
“This is part of their ultimate goal to control people.”
That is the perfect description of Project 2025.
Every accusation is a confession.
How about the fat old fart Burton, with his extra-long tie?
JR has made the most significantly detrimental decisions to our politics. No question. I loathed him from the minute he came up. The rictus grin, his youthful rise to controlling power, his unfailing bad faith in the service of the wealthy - we would not have the shitshow we have today without him.