Inside Dana Rohrabacher’s Lobbying Firm | Talking Points Memo

For years, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was a lonely voice in Congress, advocating to legalize pot and return Alaska to Russia.

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At least a Russian agent lobbying Congress is a slight hint better than a Russian agent in Congress.


typo alert: Federal law requires that members of Congress wait at least a year before lobbying the chamber, though they can [broken off here]

This is redundant but here’s the URL

Is there a better place to post reports like this?

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Here is every person mentioned in the article:

   Dana Rohrabacher
   Paul Behrends
   Bill Jarrell
   Ed Royce
   Tom Delay
   Masha Lazareva
   George W. Bush
   Neil Bush
   Louis Freeh
   Pam Bondi
   Marco Rubio

Eleven people and not one decent human being.


For obvious reasons I despise Rubio.


Republicans have been the party of Russian lovers since well before Democrats executed the traitors who gave Stalin the atomic bomb blueprints. Rump is the most obvious and flagrant Russian lover of the ilk today, but we mustn’t let any of those other lesser Russian loving Republicans off the hook. That’s why I call them the Grand Old Politburo.


Rohrabacher is a southern confederate Republican…those are his values and they align with Russia.

Americans should realize Trump has merely exposed the Republicans for what they have been for several years now…the party that believes and implements the value set of Southern Confederate red slave states. Bush II was a southern Republican and he began the full court press of slave state values at the national level…his policies were right from the Confederate value set.

The last decade or so, the Confederate states have had their way and will continue to have their way as long as we have weak Democratic leadership like Schumer, like Pelosi, like Obama, and others. Democrats who think there is still bipartisanship fail to recognize what republicans are.

Once you realize what the Republicans have become it is very easy to understand they are much closer to Putin and Russian values than the US Constitution or what was the US National Identify of peace and freedom for all men.

The Republicans, just look at others like McConnell and Rohrabacher and Ryan and Gingrich and Giulliani and Pence and Cheney and the rest…the are Confederates through and through. Look at Putin and his ruling Oligarchy class…their value set is pure Nazi which is southern Republican.

Until American recognize the true identity (exposed profoundly by Trump) of Republicans as pre-civil war Confederates, then the rest of the US will continue to be attacked and forced to accept those racist and violent military 1st values.

The only way to restore America’s Union and Democracy is to never vote for southern Presidents ever again…including Democrats like Clinton. Clinton was no real friend to African Americans or Hispanics or other minority groups…it was all fake rhetoric. Joe Biden is all southern values…he is a Confederate at heart and always has been. Changing now to win the primary is rubbish.

Make America a Union Democracy Again!

President Elizabeth Warren.


KGL Investment insists that its the victim of a smear campaign by another regional recipient of U.S. government defense contracts — a company called Agility.

An ongoing lawsuit between Agility and KGL Investment’s affiliated company, Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport, revealed that KGL may have violated U.S. sanctions against Iran, according to the Project on Government Oversight. An attorney for KGL admitted in a December 2017 deposition that the company had built a “ghost structure” in order to conceal a joint venture it was running with a sanctioned Iranian partner.

Weeks after the filing, the KGL won another $1.38 billion logistics contract from the Pentagon’s Defense Logistics Agency.

I had no idea there were “swamps” in the Persian Gulf.


Pigs feeding at the trough of corporate lobbying.


So when does Rohrabacher advance to the money laundering and shell company phase of his lobbying activities, because you just know that’s what comes next once he’s fully established as a lobbying firm.

“Russia, if you’re listening…Dana Rohrabacher is open for business”.


friendlygoldens… Rohrbacher is is a southern Californian- went to Long Beach State. As a Republican and Libertarian, he is Red State southerer philosophically. They both are serious “states rights’” advocates.


The somewhat cryptic stated purpose on the form is “defense contacts on human rights.”

Call me crazy, but somehow I doubt human rights have anything to do with it.

include the brother of George W. Bush, Neil Bush; former FBI director Louis Freeh; and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. All have been pushing the U.S. government to insist on resolving the Lazareva issue.

Right. All known for their support of human rights. It probably helps that this prisoner is a Xian accused of stealing the big bucks (as opposed to, say, a Muslim robbing a gas station).

Perhaps they’re hoping to free this person so that they can come to the US to embezzle the big bucks and spy for Russia.


A regular rogues gallery!


There’s a lot here: Where/who/what did this Russian woman embezzle half a billion dollars from? She stole it from KGL, the company she’s heading? And they are siding with her? It sounds like their business is contracting with the US Military, was it ultimately the US taxpayer? Or was it their own investors? Who are these investors? Who ever they are they have friends in high places here. But as cervantes points out:


Keep these people accountable and looking over their shoulders. They’re obviously in it for the money, either directly or indirectly. They should know that all their accounts and financial transactions may one day be fully revealed. Journalists should always ask them what pecuniary gains they stand to acquire through their efforts, how much, and how much they understand about present, and possible future, disclosure laws and regulations


Neil Bush first was soiled by the Silverado bank failure during the Savings and Loan crisis in the Reagan years.

Then he made a fortune in some corporate adjunct capacity to Red Adair’s oil services firm which was hired to put out all the oil well fires in Kuwait in the aftermath of Gulf War One.

This is the reason I have never given the Bushes a pass on their activity in the Middle East and continue to think of them as the Bush Crime Family.

God know who, how and what was Neil’s and the next generations’ financial interest in putting back together Iraq’s infrastructure after Cheney/Halliburton convinced George the 2nd to destroy it in Gulf War Two, and then awarded billions in non-accounted reconstruction funding.


Well, there was until Lazareva swiped it!



No, it is alleged that Lazareva stole from the Kuwait Port Authority: her firm negotiated a consulting contract and then no work was done. It’s possible that the Kuwait Pension Fund was also defrauded.

Incidentally, the name of her company is KGL Investments (plural). She is the founder – and a graduate of the Wharton School.


The despicable, deplorable degenerate otherwise known as Kevin McCarthy accurately noted that Putin pays at least 2 people in the US government: Dana Rohrabacher and Donald Trump. I actually called McCarthy’s office about 6 months ago and reminded the pukes about what their boss said. And, right on cue, the minion said McCarthy was “joking”. When republican miscreants are caught being the cretins they are, they always say it was a joke. Okay, then when someone says there’s a bomb in his luggage, then I guess it’s a defense to just claim it was a joke. (The FAA and TSA frown on such “jokes”, as we all know).


Ugh, Louis Freeh, that moralizing Catholic turd in the punchbowl. I imagine he’s given up being a scold while raking in the millions, huh?


It’s your kind of “logic” that gave us Bush over Gore and Trump over Clinton. Any Democrat is better than any Republican, right now. That goes for Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc. Any will bring in a cabinet, judges, etc. that are light years better than what the Republicans bring to the table.