A state House Republican in Arizona is refusing to vote on any bills unless the 2022 election is redone—ironically, holding back her party in the meantime.
Poll workers quickly gave voters the option to put their ballots in a drop box to be tabulated later or vote at another precinct, and the printers were fixed within hours.
Not only were the printers fixed within hours, but the Times says a) the glitches were not focused in Repub leaning precincts; and b) the Repubs have failed to find anyone who will testify they were unable to vote as the result of the glitch. (On the contrary, one of the complainers actually appears to have voted twice.)
Let me congratulate Rep. Harris on her principled choice. Any GOP congress member who does less than Rep. Harris needs to be called out. Why are you so afraid to put your money where your mouth is? “No votes until the election the election is re-run,” should become the rallying-cry throughout state houses across the nation!
Okay, so this newly-elected woman refuses to do her job because she thinks the election was badly run? So she’s saying that she wasn’t actually elected? It was just the cheating and frauding that put her over the top?
We in AZ vote by paper ballot only in big or small elections. A hand count in district 13 would determine who won or lost. It was not a state wide issue. And our state constitution makes no provision for a state wide do over. This candidate needs to quit whining about an election she won.
It’s hard to believe how many people like this are out there because we avoid them socially, but look at some of your work acquaintances. I was in the lunchroom years ago with a coworker who was complaining about how much value our 401(k)s had lost during a recession, and said she wasn’t going to contribute to it any more. I sat there marveling at how she had zero, zero understanding of dollar-cost averaging. She had no idea how investing works at all. And this was her retirement money, the money she would live on when she was old. I didn’t say anything but I thought it. This person is the same way. She really shouldn’t be in the business of running other people’s lives but here we are.
AZ GQP Fools (Lake, Ward, Gosar, Biggs, Harris, Rogers, et alia; there are so many) are truly proud of their stupidity, ignorance, bullheadedness, and incipient criminality. This implies that their deplorable supporters are, too. Funny how they aren’t calling for the Cyber Ninjas to save them this time.
This is one more reason why 401k programs don’t have a good history of helping the people who need them most. Getting rid of classical pension programs is fundamentally anti-worker, because it works against their interests and abilities. Those defined-benefit pension programs were better managed by pros than a standard individual’s decision-making is in his/her 401k.
No argument but this outfit (TIAA-CREF) made every effort, including information packets and personal counseling visits, to give you the basics to take advantage of what was a very generous plan. There was really no excuse not to understand risk tolerance, dollar-cost averaging, you know, the absolute basic stuff. But she’d managed, nevertheless, to fight off that understanding. Really, though, the point is simply that people are dumb. This yutz in AZ isn’t taking her ball and going home. She’s refusing to swing at any pitches until the game is restarted. So the pitcher throws three down the middle and back to the bench she goes for an out. It doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense.
I live in a deeply Blue precinct of DEEPLY blue Ann Arbor. After the 2016 election I was looking over voting data and noticed that a percentage in the high 30’s of voters in my district had voted for Trump. An area comprising probably less than a square mile, a place where “right-leaning” candidates have to run as “Independents” because Democrat hive-mentality is feverish. It blew me away. I just couldn’t imagine anyone in this area voting for Trump, much less almost 40%.
Arizona is a strong purple state, so Harris’s protest—which is mostly symbolic at this point—would make it more difficult for her compatriots to pass bills that Democrats likely won’t be eager to support relating to immigration, LGBTQ rights and, ironically again, election integrity.
While I respect and appreciate Ms. Philo’s work, she repeats (IMNSHO) a fundamental mistake made all too often in reporting.
These GOP bills have nothing – nothing whatsoever – to do with “election integrity”. They are just the opposite: attempts at voter suppression and election undermining.
American journalism is so much better than un-self-awarely repeating Orwellian talking points that have been carefully crafted by ALEC and Frank Luntz. Language shapes our political dialectic, and I hope TPM continues to understand that, more and more, as we move forward in these very perilous times.
I would gladly pay all of the GQP – quite handsomely – to not vote.
ETA: Of course, I’m not advocating paying bribes or anything like that. Because that would be wrong. But as a taxpayer, I do not begrudge the salary to any GQP legislator who decides on the principled course of not participating in a corrupted system, by withholding their vote.