It would appear that the attack on Democracy and the Republic from the Right is far more organized than we imagine.
With the infiltration of members of these societies in all levels of government, the fight to keep America as America is going to be far harder than imagined.
Because Boise State is a public university, TPM was able to obtain via public records requests in January and February a trove of Yenor’s office emails that mention SACR.
That gets me.
TPM’s reporting has identified as SACR members the president of the influential, Trump-aligned Claremont Institute, Harvard Law grads, and leading businessmen in communities scattered across America.
I always enjoy the folks who say that the US was founded as a Christian nation born under Christian values, etc. and should return to those foundation principals asap.
They fail to understand that their ideal vision of Christianity will be different than the other peoples vision of Christianity and polite letters may be exchanged while the soldiers for Christ are organized to purge the ‘other’ , wrong type of Christian’s.
And ya know, how can they be wrong when god is on their side?
All this garbage is driven by white fear and the realization that the white Christian conservative is outnumbered demographically and ideologically by the majority and in a system based on majority rule, they do not get to rule. Their biggest fear is of course that they as the minority will be treated the same way they treated minorities for time immemorial. The last 4 republican presidents achieved office by cheating and as we go forward and the radical right gets more desperate to cling to the levers of wealth and power, they will cheat harder and respect democracy less. The radical right sees now as their last best chance of installing permanent white Christian conservative one party rule.
Reading this group’s parallel to white-rule in South Africa, i can’t stop my own speculation that Elon Musk is a member, or at the minimum, a member wannabe. That, for me, rules compassion and understanding off the table.
I want to see a DNC ad that has every quote from all the republican fascists about their true beliefs of where precisely women belong (or, not belong) in Society. Fresh hell about undoing the 19th Amendment, allowing women to vote, etc. Start Screaming Dems!!!
Most of all, we seek those who understand the nature of authority and its legitimate forceful exercise in the temporal realm,” a mission statement reads.
Current authorities should take this seriously…round them up…let Joe use his unlimited powers to quell the threat…permanantly…might as well get an early start to that authoritarian regime stuff…
So many groups, militias, political caucuses of angry, emotionally stunted white men. So much energy being channeled into malignant, selfish directions.
This reminds me of a local chucklehead I saw last week, who was wearing a sweatshirt with a big red crusader cross on the front. That’s the model these guys really look to; it’s not a “cold” civil war they want.
These men ought to read the Bible. Jesus was sentenced to death in a Temple trial. The charge? His teachings were way too liberal. Plus he turned over the money changer’s tables in the Temple. The change from regular to Temple coin was the malor source of income for those ultra conservative priests. Under Roman rule the priests had to get the Romans to kill Jesus. So being a blood thursty lot they killed him. But with lots of psin and over several hours.
There was nothing secret about what Jesus did or taught.
We probably shouldn’t be dismissive. These guys probably are going to flame out, but like a coup, failed attempts at organizing secret societies to take over a nation are just dress rehearsals. Much like @billymac, I went to school with these guys. One needn’t be Catholic to have been forced to rub shoulders with them.
Have we noticed the theme yet? The projection, when they accuse Democrats or liberals of doing XXX you only need to scratch the surface to find a GOP group that actually is doing XXX. Even with election fraud, something that should be done on the QT the GOP is now confident enough to engage in manipulating election results openly.
The thing I find most entertaining is the continuous appeal to our founding as a “Christian” nation. Despite the numerous times that actual founding fathers made it explicit that they opposed a state religion on the grounds that it made for both bad government and bad religion. Then there’s the whole Treaty of Tripoli thing. Their approach to history is just like their approach to the Bible, “It’s Gods word, except the parts we don’t like.”