Insane Christmas Photo From GOP Congressman’s Family To Yours | Talking Points Memo

I think I only went into one once, and that was back when they first became a thing. I used to work with a girl, yes she was young at the time, who spent a lot of money in there. She would stop off on her way to work and show me all the stuff=junk that she bought.

Not exactly true. The late Nobelist economist Tom Schelling did an analysis that showed that smokers died early, and with lung cancer, quickly and cheaply, in collecting social security such that it was a net benefit to society and non smokers. It was considered outrageous but as far as I know never refuted.


DD is typical (?) shorthand for Dear Daughter … I’m not going to give out her name here, but if you are really interested, message me and we can talk about her research a bit … (I’ve read her dissertation, and have a copy here, but I’m by no means an expert!)

We used rocks.

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Seriously??? A Christmas Card with young children (who should not even be around those weapons) holding guns with their mother, who does not seem to have a life partner in the picture as required by the rightwingchristiantaliban in order to be a valid "Murican fambdly.
The glorification of the culture of guns as the answer to any problem or any dissension from the wacko rightwing screed about how to be a true “pat–riot” is what is wrong with these pictures and what is VERY wrong with your line of thinking.

So many guns; so many guns pointed at each other.

This is just an attempt to get you to “clutch your pearls.” This is a distraction from what really matters.
Guns are important in certain parts of the country.

What really matters is the divisions purposefully created and amplified in order to distract us from wealthy domination of the masses. Read up on Bacon’s Rebellion.

“Thousands of Virginians from all classes (including those in indentured servitude) and races rose up in arms against Berkeley, chasing him from Jamestown and ultimately torching the settlement.”

After Bacon’s rebellion the concept of race was created and used as a way to divide the classes.

Guns may be “important” in some parts of the country where people hunt wildlife for their sustenance. Nobody hunts with an AK automatic rifle and no 16 year old kid in the inner cities needs a handgun.
I maintain that there is and has been the glorification of guns in our culture, and it is a sickness that we need to get over.
I do not think that being seriously concerned about the mayhem and slaughter that is the result of the worship of firearms has wrought is “clutching my pearls”. Bacon’s rebellion occurred in another era and is not related to what is going on currently. “wealthy domination of the masses” is a result of, not a cause of the entire mindset of the John Wayne/ macho/ KKK that prevails among those “wealthy” and wannabe wealthy men(mostly) who believe that wealth entitles them to power.

81 million people own guns. I don’t think the pictures of families holding guns is the cause of mass killings or gun violence.

Bacon’s rebellion is the origins of racism in America. It is one of many (divide and conquer) ways that the ruling class uses to control the masses. The gun issue is another. In some ways the issues are intertwined. If you don’t think that matters anymore then fine.

81 million people own guns. I don’t think the pictures of families holding guns is the cause of mass killings or gun violence.

Bacon’s rebellion is the origins of racism in America. It is one of many (divide and conquer) ways that the ruling class uses to control the masses. The gun issue is another. In some ways the issues are intertwined. If you don’t think that matters anymore then fine