I do remember that, and remember shaking my head that we couldn’t even issue accurate reports because certain people’s feelings were getting hurt. And so the problem blossoms until we have a bounty of bitter-fruit.
The same has occurred/ is occurring on climate change, gun safety, the economy, etc.
When the facts are not on their side, they suppress the truth and thump the Bible just a bit harder. It makes problems incrementally worse, but at least they’re “owning the libs”.
I’m not sure it’s restricted to the South, or even just to Christofascists.
As a young boy trying to figure out the “rules of the game” before I came of age, I definitely arrived at this problem just by following other cultural norms to their logical extremes. There are strands of wives-as-property scattered kind of randomly through Western tradition, which notion is then reinforced by more-general misogyny embedded in the same culture.
I suspect many people follow those lines unthinkingly, and then uncritically accept the perverse conclusion rather than re-evaluate or reject the premises that led there.
I would not be surprised at all if this was more prevalent or dominant among white Southern males, but (I believe) the causal story – if indeed there is one – has to include banal things like MacGuyver, and other adventure-a-week shows, that consistently present women as MacGuffins, a lot of which was popular nationally or beyond. I grew up in Minnesota, and it felt like I was getting this from both barrels.
Whether or not we intend to, we are quietly filling people’s heads with dangerously simplistic ideas about basically everything, and then when the rubber meets the road, the only tools they have are the shackles their forebears used on each other.
OT: Just breaking. This is big news and very consequential. My fear is this Administration never thinks things through, and Iran will not take this assasination lightly. It goes without saying Suleimani was no innocent.
Dems, for years, being on the right side of things historically-- may actually be gaining a foothold with voters. Shame it’s taken a hole (a-hole?) the size of the Trump Crater-- to focus the attention required to act.
I’m seeing former government officials, Senators, and experienced reporters basically freaking out on Twitter right now.
And we have a government right now that’s been decimated by resignations and firings of qualified people. A government, instead that’s obsessed and spends much of it’s time finding out who “liked” a Chelsea Clinton tweet. A government comprised of yes-men, liars, and thorough incompetence. We may now pay the price for such hubris, though I certainly hope we do not.
I very much fear that the people who will pay the price are the same people who paid the price the last time we put an incurious dolt in the Oval Office- the citizenry of Iraq (and maybe Iran and maybe Syria (again)).
And our troops. We have people stationed all over the world, and now they’re potential targets of Iran’s wrath. Suleimani was a terrorist, but a leader within Iran’s government. And I doubt this was gamed out with any seriousness within Trump’s inner circle. If it was, it would be the first time.