Josef Nuemann spent his 72nd birthday in a coma.
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Josef Nuemann spent his 72nd birthday in a coma.
"a local rabbi has begun praying from his porch on Friday nights. Those within earshot eventually join in.
‘You hear one man, then another then another,’ Ralbag said. ‘The sound carries, because it’s not one person.’”
People adapt. It’s great to see people preserving their traditions and adapting. This is how we survive as a species and new traditions are born.
However insane and unfortunate it is that many in these communities refuse to practice social distancing and wear masks, and however different they are from the mainstream communities they live near and among, they obviously don’t deserve to die from the virus, and the behavior of these white racist thugs who don’t know a thing about their own religion let alone that of others is heinous and deplorable, and of course they’re all Trumpies. I simply don’t get a Jew voting for Trump.
Happy Passover, Easter and Ramadan, all.
Note that followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster never have these problems. Just saying.
On Tuesday, a part-time police officer in nearby Tuxedo, New York left the force after writing on Facebook, referring to the heavily orthodox village Kiryas Joel: “Drop a daisy cutter right on KJ!”
Sounds like there are very fine people on both sides.
“These communities have forever proven themselves untrustworthy when it comes to following American laws,”
Look to the orange one, who in times of intense health threat, insists on staying in close proximity to his back up. I have wondered for many weeks now why the spare tire is always in the same room and location as his boss. Even corporate America realized putting the entire upper executive group on one airline flight was asking for disaster.
I am so profoundly sad about all of this. As a secular Jew, I have a wonderful tradition and cultural connection to the absolute delights of this “tribe.” I am also an atheist, a card carrying member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Tonight is Passover, and I cannot do a Seder. It is not in me right now. No brisket, no horseradish and bitter herbs, no hiding of matzot, no kugel, no honey cake. No plate for Elijah. No Man-oh-Manaschevitz. No reclining. Reclining was always something important. “Why on all other nights do we sit and drink, some of us reclined, some not, whereas on this night do all of us recline at our ease?”
I cannot recline at my ease. We used to dip a finger 10 times into wine and shake each drop off into a bowl, to symbolize the 10 plagues that punished Egypt. An old lady that I loved once dipped her full hands into a cup of wine and sprayed out the wine (ten times) for each affliction, saying “There, take that! for starting it.”
I cannot accept the division in this world anymore. I cannot rest knowing the mistrust, the lies, the disconnection, the hate and suspicion among us. The distrust of the conservatives in Judaism, and in the Evangelicals, and the Federalists, and in the Opus Dei, and the Anarchists, and the radicals everywhere. We are dying right now, like never before. Many groups more than others. We cannot keep supporting people who do not work for ALL the people.
I cannot “recline at my ease.” At least not at this Passover.
In the name of the father, Udon, and the holy spirit.
Isn’t that Uday?
I don’t get a black man or woman voting for trumpp but maybe they had no idea of his racist record in the real estate business when Fred, working with his son, wouldn’t rent to POC. So I was very surprised and a little shocked during the 2016 campaign when it came out that Medgar Evers, killed by the Klan had a brother named Charles who happily and cluelessly said he’d be voting for trumPP because he believed the “businessman” propaganda.
From a NPR interview
I’m supporting Trump because I think he is - firstly, he’s a businessman, and he can provide jobs for us. And that’s what I’m looking at.
Everyone has one of those in their family. That’s why the holidays were invented, to torture us with seeing them and being subjected to their idiocy. I don’t know what makes people this way. But there are a lot more Jews for Trump than blacks for Trump. Most are Hasidic, or ultra-right, and they believe that he’d be better for Israel because…reasons, even though Bill Clinton came close to bringing peace to the region. Perhaps Biden will do better with them. He’s AIPAC gold.
the vast majority of Jewish families in Rockland County, observant and not, have listened to health authorities
Health authorities, who are fellow citizens and fellow human beings trying to help them, themselves, and others. Those espousing hatred and accentuating differences are simply hiding behind the word “religion.”
Ramen, Ramen. Lasagna in the Highest!
Somebody buried the lede here.
May his noodly-appendage keep a social distance.
You’re a good person. Thank you