Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) spun the merry-go-round of infrastructure talks back to April in comments to reporters on Wednesday, less than one day after the White House said that it would try to reach a deal through a coalition that includes the Utah senator.
Best as I can tell, there’s no viable infrastructure compromise with any reactionary: they’ve all taken new revenue off the table, which means none of Biden’s larger goals can be achieved.
To all appearances, all the reactionaries are trying to do is to make the administration complicit in their efforts to stymie it.
Why would any genuine, authentic journalist put a microphone in front of Pat Toomey? Is a lame duck / dead duck’s perspective at all meaningful in any realistic way?
Okay, fine. Let’s just borrow it all and put the Fortune 500 up as collateral. I don’t think there would be any constitutional impediment to doing so.
Romney just doesn’t learn. He’s put his dog in a cage on top of his car and sped away. Oh, and, he doesn’t want HIS taxes raised, or those others of his income and wealth. Suffer, ye children!
Tax rates are meaningless, apparently, unless you’re poor or middle class. It’s just silly to have discussion about whether the tax rate should be 25 or 28% when folks are able to pay 0%
Smartest guy in the Capitol. Creative use of the Jewish Space Lasers focused on one section of the planet could nudge us slightly further away from the sun, dropping temperatures by a couple of degrees, alleviating any need to switch from fossil fuels.