In Desperation, New York State Pays Up to 15 Times the Normal Prices for Medical Equipment | Talking Points Memo

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Out of my lane but I believe the legal term here is depraved indifference to human life.


Or “Republican Values”


Seems like some mass corporate shaming is needed.


Am I living in Venezuela or Columbia? Would this shit even happen there?

This is not America. This is Trumpdumb.




I think it actually wouldn’t. The governments of those countries would commandeer every freaking bit of medical equipment and supplies and probably not even pay for them. That would be Bad, unethical behavior. But it at least would have the aim of doing everything possible to prevent the spread of the virus and to save lives.

Here in the USA, it’s all about market forces and profit. Which, while infused with organic “freedom” oils and 100% pure God-approved capitalism, results in a worse outcome.

The Chaos Goblin’s words said it all: “I take no responsibility at all”. That is the guiding principle - avoid all responsibility. Hey, if you’re paying too much for masks and ventilators, you should have been a better negotiator!

I am rooting for COVID-19 in a select few cases, I must admit…


What profiteth a man to invest in health and lose his interest?

Goldman Sachs analysts attempted to address a touchy subject for biotech companies, especially those involved in the pioneering “gene therapy” treatment: cures could be bad for business in the long run.

“Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” analysts ask in an April 10 report entitled “The Genome Revolution.”


What happened to all the business training and experience that the Covidiot Trump boasted about?

Why is he NOT implementing what he learned to lower the prices of medical supplies for ALL states?

“I went to the Wharton School of Business,” he’ll have you know. “I’m, like, a really smart person

Wharton School of Business…it’s time to speak out against your former student who is NOT applying his business training from your school and in turn wasting American tax payer dollars and more egregious, he is responsible for the rising Americans death toll!

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Sounds like Cuomo has been blacklisted.

The question is, will any of this over-priced equipment even work when and if it’s received?

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Or “Sincerely Held Republican Beliefs That It’s Better to Make a Buck Than Save a Life”.
unwieldy I know, but it goes straight to the point


Imagine the information embargo if the Dems has not taken over the House.


and tax auditing


This sounds like price gouging and war profiteering. Is the President going to so something about it? Or is every state on its own in a bidding war to give excessive cash to his business buddies. Tax all those profits at 100% or more.


This is exactly the entire reason I have distrusted our medical “system” since Reagan was President.


If shaming fails to produce the desired results, I’d move for firing squads for the profiteers. Unfettered capitalists are a scourge.

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It is comforting to know that our Department of Justice has decided that price-gouging doesn’t exist. It’s the market at work.

BTW: If an investigative reporter was so inclined, the reagent scandal in the US would be worth figuring out. Everybody seems to be pointing fingers at somebody else.

Here is an overview.

Here is a link to the CDC IRR New Reagents page. !?!

Roche letter on lysis buffer solution.


Just as Jared Kushner intended.

That way he gets his “cut” of every sale.

Meanwhile, Florida has 3 times the supplies THEY requested, and other states are buying DIRECTLY from China as they can’t outbid the US Government in the current Health Exchanges.

National Price Controls are required in those Exchanges to stop the price-gouging that make what Enron did in the late 90’s energy markets look small by comparison.


Yeah, now that Kushner in working with FEMA, he’ll probably be stuffing the money in his pocket.


Unfortunately the only part that is being managed well is keeping the virus out of the White House.

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