Saw this interview on CNN this morning. Was moved by the composure of Jamie Raskin during the segment with Jake Tapper. It was lengthy, touching on many topics, ending with an appeal to those affected with depression to reach out for help-- in memory of Tommy Raskin.
Although seeking his own reward illegally. No surprise, of course–
Can we please disqualify the motherfucker?
(From running for public office ever again by convicting.)
This from Shakespeare:
Grief fills the room up of my absent child,
Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me,
Puts on his pretty looks, repeats his words,
Remembers me of all his gracious parts,
Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form;
Then, have I reason to be fond of grief?
Raskin is using that grief. There is nothing more powerful.
Evidently his son Tommy was very empathetic in his personal life and as an advocate for various progressive causes he cared about. I have to think his father has thought about what Tommy would want and what would help him as a bereaved father carry on with something that has meaning that bridges the loss. It’s much like with Biden, whose own dying son made him promise to stay engaged. Some of these folks really are committed to public service. Even in these days there’s inspiration if you look for it.
The Senate trial is going to be lit.
And not only that"impeachment trial, there is a “strong likelihood” that Trump will be convicted."
Popcorn stocks will explode.
Karl Rove should stay buried in the past.
It should be quite the eye opener. Then republicans will once again cover themselves in shit trying to polish the trump turd.
A man of principle, and a polar opposite of our president.
I sort of like it when he pushes his head above the shit and speaks the truth.
OT, but we are having a good time choosing songs for the Biden inauguration and the loser’s moving party…
I liked the guy who said I condemn the violence but what about that time they wouldn’t let Sarah Huckasans finish her meal? I hope he gets another bite at that juicy red apple.
All legal disastrous decisions all seem to lead back to " Impeachment Lead Attorney ? Giuliani"
My rep here in Maryland!
Recall the emetic suggestions we put Saint Ronnie on Rushmore? Ugh.
Raskin: Study in Leadership. Profile in Courage. Paragon Of Patriotism. Father of the Century.
Jeez, how much do those pillows cost?
Trump’s incitement of his supporters who stormed the Capitol was “the most terrible crime ever by a president of the United States against our country.”