Immigration Hardliner Cuccinelli Focuses On Hanukkah Stabber’s ‘Illegal Alien’ Parent | Talking Points Memo

The acting director of Homeland Security on Monday tweeted, and then deleted, a comment tying the mass stabbing of Orthodox Jews on Saturday night to former President Ronald Reagan’s immigration law.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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I’d be interested in the number of people for whom this started out as a desperate attempt at voter suppression and ended up as a full-blown obsession.


Wow, it’s almost as if Ken thinks there’s some taint - some quality, if only skin-deep - that’s been passed on from this man’s parents, and that no amount of scrubbing will ever suffice to remove!

What could he have in mind?


Next, Kenny will blame the J-O-O for allowing himself to be stabbed.


Ken Cuccunelli tweeted. “Apparently, American values did not take hold among this entire family, at least this one violent, and apparently bigoted, son.”


Before anyone @'s me, Politifact is saying that the KKK rally is false and the housing story is right there.



Ken Cuccunelli tweeted. “Apparently, American values did not take hold among this entire family, at least this one violent, and apparently bigoted, son.”

Cuccinelli is right, the American way is to use firearms not 3rd world machetes. I would have expected a 2nd generation american to know the proper american way of doing mass murder. Loser didn’t even kill anyone, compare that to the Pittsburgh synagogue attacker a true red blooded white american, used an AR15, 11 dead. Cuccinelli must so proud of that guy.


Well what did stick in this case is tax evasion, but then all the ‘best’ people do it…so what’s the problem.


Cuccinelli is on to something. There are some folks who are immigrants and whose names end in vowels where American values did not take hold among their entire family. Your Capones, Gottis, Gambinos, Giuliani father and son…


He’s really got a thing for that 1986 law. Did the child of an immigrant turn him down for a bank loan or something? What’s his beef?


Shame on you Ken. You cannot blame the son for a sin of the father. Mr. Cuccinelli… did all of your immigrant family follow the law when they entered America?


“Only the best people” never gets old. Cuccinelli is a bigoted POS who has no business serving at any level of government, but there you have the swamp in a nutshell.


Republicans are so over the bend that they’re throwing Ronald Reagan under the bus? And only about 30 years after they named every possible federal building/property after him?

I wasn’t a fan of Reagan, but I’d take him -dementia and all -over the guy we’ve got now.


It’s their hobbyhorse “Amnesty!” along with griping about the 1965 Hart Celler immigration act which lifted national origin quotas that were in place from the odious 1924 act.
Even as they claimed that the 1965 act let in “those dusky third world people” It made it easier for Eastern and Southern Europeans who were screwed over in 1924 to immigrate.


Cuccinelli has revealed himself as a bigoted asshole countless times. His response was not surprising. However, between tweet raging at Speaker Pelosi and golf games, Trump did not get around to acknowledging the attack until yesterday. It happened Saturday and was reported immediately.


I read their comment and rather than Mostly False I would Not Substantiated.

Now the way “I” read earlier stories on the incident, all the people complaining about police misconduct were mostly agitated about having ‘Italian’ and ‘Irish’ police from NEW YORK City (said like the guy from the old hot sauce commercial to tout a TEXAS hot sauce) laying their hands on ‘white’ people from Queens.

He was there, he was arrested. THOSE are ‘facts’ but I do not think it is ‘mostly false.’ Like I said, we have no idea of ‘intent’ and he ‘may’ have been a innocent guy there to watch a parade. OK.

BUT, to use ‘false’ equivalency, we ‘also’ know that Ted Cruz’ dad was involved in the JFK assassination. So I will say even ‘being there’ for the parade was probably a sign of support rather than anything else; I know ‘that’ from his subsequent business practices.

BTW, was daddy Trump part of the Big Lie that the family immigrated from SWEDEN not Germany?


Trump’s illegal alien grandparents obviously are why he’s insane.


Granted amnesty? Then surely you mean LEGAL immigrant, no?


Though I did, the housing story is right there.

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I would suggest that he lost his battle with STD’s in the 60’s.