Appearing on ABC’s “This Week” in September, Rudy Giuliani waved a filing from the case of a Ukrainian oligarch, Dmitry Firtash, facing extradition to the United States. The document, the President’s lawyer said, supported his claims about Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings in Ukraine.
Good. God. Almighty! Yet another corrupt billionaire oligarch victim?? The poor guy!! When will this victimization end. I feel so sorry for him and the other victims…
I told @castor_troy, @playitagainrowlf and @rascal_crone that my new gig within the Soros Group would send me to interesting places while I feathered my nest, but they did not believe me.
Parnas’ lawyer, Joseph A. Bondy, told the Times that Parnas had also encouraged Firtash to help Giuliani find dirt “as part of any potential resolution to his extradition matter.”
You can’t throw a dead chicken around here without hitting a quid pro quo.
I agree. So long as everything stayed under wraps, it looked promising that he might be able to beat the bribery rap if he played ball with Giuliani and crew. But now that their dirty laundry is being aired for the world to see, he’s trying to pretend he wasn’t holding onto that third rail. If the Democrats “wrest” power from the GOP, he’s hoping he can form an amicable relationship with the new leaders in DC and smooth over this simple mining rights misunderstanding.
I’m sure we can all agree behind this byzantine mess is a mountain of crimes by a great many people. Gonna be interesting when it all finally blows up.
Why does anyone doubt this when Kolomoisky said the same thing happened to him and he was punished by Rudy for kicking them out of his office?
The scam seems pretty simple: These guys duped a Republican donor to give $500k to Rudy under false pretenses, so they could leverage Rudy’s relationship with Trump to extort business deals out of Ukrainians who needed Trump, which they could only do if they gave Rudy and Trump dirt on Biden because they were too stupid to want cash. They were middlemen trying to scam both sides by offering access to the other side and ended up with nothing.