They are idiots, truly. They think they are pining for Andrew Jackson and history has moved on and on and on and on from there.
Amaya continues to stand by Carrillo. “I know him, and I think he can change,” she said.
On Christmas Day the couple exchanged vows through a video call from the Santa Rita Jail. “I love your lips, baby,” Carrillo told her.
That is so sad.
Yes. I wish there was some kind of antidote or preventative to this mentality. I know a lot of young white men are prone to falling to this resentful victim mentality.
These crazy kids.
A new opiate for new masses.
When an entire party becomes extremist, the conventional wisdom mongers in the DC press will embrace the new normal.
Wait, I think they already have.
some conservative commentators rushed to blame Underwood’s murder on antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters.
If we’re ever going to get this nonsense to settle down, this right here is where we need to bring the law to bear. False reporting like that, especially in mainstream “news” outlets, can have serious National Security consequences.
It isn’t ‘free speech’ when you’re feeding this kind of ridiculous conspiratorial crap 24/7 as “news”… that’s propaganda. And divisive, dangerous stuff like Fox, OAN and Newsmax are pumping out daily is helping to lead us down this path… how do we put a stop to it?
We need new laws, desperately. Or to simply enforce the ones we have.
That or, it’s time for ‘the government’ and the rest of We the People to take appropriate action against these ‘hiding in plain sight’ active insurrectionists. Are we going to wait until they’ve built an actionable army of members??
And they foolishly believe that all us whitey’s are going to support their side?
There are a lot of us “whiteys” who can and will shoot back.
There are so many failures along this guys timeline that lead to this. Failure at the Air Force determining his mental fitness. Failure to get him help for his mental health issues from family to the military, and failure of DHS in monitoring these groups. I don’t know what the answer is, but it isn’t what we are doing now.
More than any other single factor, by NOT having a real military draft, the US Military has become radicalized and including the military academies where our officers are trained.
Birds of a feather flock together. Today’s so called “all volunteer” military is both inferior to one if based on members from all demographic sectors of our society. The quality of decision-making would be greatly enhanced with a more rounded military. But most important of all, instead of all so called “volunteers” of gun-ho types, it would be far less radicalized if a draft was instituted and members came from all areas of our society. The military has become radicalized since eliminating the draft…we need a real military draft and NOT one where a Donald Trump is excused for fake bone spurs or a hang nail thanks to daddy’s money and hired gun doctors.
It’s history moving through the right now. It’s a visceral response to the end of colonialism - the end of white dominance after a millennia of it.
You’ve nailed it. I just had a conversation (a remarkably civil one, in fact) with an old friend on FB about guns. His response to me about why we need guns to fight tyranny centered on the famous Tiananmen Square image of a man facing down a tank with a shopping bag. There was no realization on my friend’s part that he was showing an icon of unarmed resistance, and also showing an image in which the guy resisting would have been no better off with a gun.
They’re blinded by their devotion to propelling lead with explosions.
(And weirdly, as I write this, someone near my house is incessantly firing a gun.)
“I love your lips, baby,” Carrillo told her.
Gee, those are the same words that Carillo’s 285 lb. cellmate says to him on a daily basis. What a co-inky-dink! Ain’t love grand?!
They talk a lot about liberals and their “white guilt”. Without recognizing that their abject fear is born precisely from the same. They’re scared when they become the minority they will suffer the same fate they’ve inflicted on others for generations.
I think for some lower income people, the military is the only option they have if they want to continue to eat…literally. It is the only career option they have. Instead of a military draft, I would instead say that we need a mandatory national service period of 2 years after you graduate, drop out, or otherwise finish school. This would actually be useful and would help people get to know others that are not like them. It should be paid just like they do for the military. Just think about what could be accomplished here at home with such a force of young people.
One of the delusional central pillars of the armed right wing extremists is that there’s something constitutional and honorable about possessing and using excessive weaponry to legitimately counter “the rule of a tyrannical government”. This is pure gun-fetishist BS. There is nothing constitutional about owning excessive weaponry and especially not for the purpose of overthrowing an elected government. The Constitution was not written to include a suicide pact. In fact, the Constitution authorizes the explicit suppression of insurrectionist Boogers like Carillo and his fellow terrorists. Why would the Constitution allow a easy mechanism for the dimmest among us to arm themselves to the teeth so they can ruin it all? It doesn’t.
Biden and Democrats in general need to start publicly trashing this bogus rationale that Cruz, Limbaugh, LaPierre and others traitors have been instilling in their ignorant followers. Undermine their very basis now and do it vehemently. They don’t have the Constitution on their side and let them know it.
Yeah and I don’t even think that they have fully formed ideas about this - it’s mainly a gut reaction but that is exactly right because we have been monsters.
Interesting point. You’re clearly right – the militias referenced in the Constitution were about protecting the new country from external threats. Not really the same thing as overthrowing the U.S. government because liberals.
That’s what I would rather see, a more robust system of service programs and opportunities — can we say service infrastructure? A military draft alone cannot instill that service ethic.
A few years ago, a national story came out that the top ten percent of the high school graduating class in my wife’s rustbelt hometown enlisted in the military because they saw no better opportunities available.
Yeah that’s one reason so many Native Americans join although some do because of their warrior heritage.
American Samoans join up in large percentages too - to get off of American Samoa.