This article was originally published in ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.
The article left out Trump’s greatest treachery: He literally said he’d be walking to the Capitol with them, giving them the impression they were acting with his authority, then left to watch all his truest believers destroy their lives on TV because he’s too big of a coward to lead his own coup; thus dooming it to failure.
And now all the other Trump Supporters have denounced the Rioters Who Shall Remain Nameless and insist they couldn’t be True Trump Supporters because they actually did the dumb thing Trump told them all to do. But none of these people actually like Trump. They’re just waiting for Democrats to give them something to hate and are already forming Trump Amnesia during his impeachment trial.
It seems as if top-level officials at the Capitol Police were in on the conspiracy. The lack of preparation was not incompetence. Seems it was planned and coordinated with other agencies. There is no other explanation for the lack of preparedness coupled with a delayed response from multiple agencies.
Those who helped plan this are going to watch the investigation close in on them over the coming weeks and months. Hope they sleep well and enjoy their freedom while it lasts.
After the lie fest by the dotard’s defense lawyers ends and the rebuttal by the Managers is over witnesses need to be called to expose the viciousness of this fucking mob that he unleashed on the undermanned capital police. Humanize this and have the capital police describe shit like the asshole holding the Blue Lives Matter flag while assaulting the men in blue. The mob was crazed and that was set in motion by the dotard. This trial cannot end with just a rebuttal of the lies being told today. MSM and Lisa are just too eager to participate in the both siderism.
While reading this article, my first thoughts were both obscene and profane.
There is not enough piano wire, so if justice is unobtainable, then let’s just surround Marred-up-Craphole and force the vermin into the sea. I don’t have enough remaining years to wait for climate change to raise the ocean to swallow him whole.