‘I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Be Free Of This President And His Maniacal Rage,’ McCabe Says | Talking Points Memo

‘Lack of Candor’ vs ‘Maniacal rage’ by an unhinged PRESIDENT who believes he can do ANYTHING, smear anyone, lie about anything and not be held accountable. SMH.

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Now Trump will outsource DOJ to Putin:


Hold on, McCabe. Just a few Big Macs to go.


He can last at least as long as President
McConnell is in office protecting him.


I would add to that a sign up sheet for people waiting to, um, “visit” on his grave.


With a drinking fountain conveniently nearby.

it all depends on what was in his employment contract…if that contract was violated by the employer[GOVERMENT]…it has nothing to do with what ‘most workers’ are able to do…a contract is a contract.

Another GOP electoral college win with minority popular vote in 2020 could do it.

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OT and I know it’s Saturday, but it just doesn’t STOP:


How do they “calm him”? Shooting a sedation dart at his ass? He is a bottomless pit of rage.

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Trump is like one of those lunatics standing on a corner in any US city, day after day, rage preaching about the evils of`various global conspiracies, Communists, the CIA, the Illuminati, Queen Elizabeth–and you wonder,“Don’t they have any relatives that could get them off the street? Who could get them some help?”

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If we take the House and the Executive Branch in November, Democrats need to call for a Constitutional Convention to address the many ways our form of government has failed us: the outdated electoral college, the 2 party political system, corrupt money in politics, out of control executive.

The lack of attention to these problems has resulted in a government that no longer works.

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I’ve given up hoping that all this alleged anger and tantrums would result in a massive coronary.

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oh I guess nothing to see here … just uh … not much … except …

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov …

which took place in Lavrov’s own dedicated meeting room at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof

Russian journalists traveling with Lavrov were aware of the meeting in advance, and wrote about it afterward.

A Russian journalist traveling with Lavrov said the U.S. side had requested that there be no press conference or joint statements and that photographers not even be invited to take a picture of the two top diplomats shaking hands.


If Don is defeated this fall AG Barr will claim to have been anonymous and say he did all he could to stop Trump, and set up a non profit education foundation to reign in the excessive power of the executive.

… yeah - even Cheney managed to march along with a virtually nonfunctional heart & a a go-go gadget cardiac booster pack.

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Maybe Douchebag can’t be indicted but he can certainly be sued as an individual for slander and defamation and any decent tort lawyer should be able to make a case for it. McCabe might just want “it” all to go away but “it” won’t go away unless the harassment costs “it,” say, a couple hundred million dollars.


The original sin/lie of the Republican Party is the notion that government must be manipulated or controlled.

As others have pointed out, the media repeats Republican talking points, and even we reinforce them in discussing and debunking them. In media terms, this is “frequency”. You have to repeat a message a lot, and unfortunately Twitter in the hands of an executive who doesn’t have to do any work besides play golf and snap his fingers whenever he has an impulse, makes for an effective frequency generator.

Republicans generate much more frequency than we do.

The reason is because we liberals believe in freedom, liberty, live and let live, the Golden Rule, lawfulness, common sense, cooperation, compromise… and most people most of the time do that naturally.

You don’t need government for that. In fact, government isn’t very good at propagating that. But government is the vehicle Republicans use, while they disparage it, and attack the law abiding for wrecking it.

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if there is sufficient Democratic turnout - and - if there is a modicum of insight incorporated into the Democratic Party’s and Candidate’s battle plans (this would include an imperative & herculean take back the Senate effort) - then there will be a strong chance that sufficient critical electoral votes will tip back to Blue and Trump will fall short… and fall short in a way that could not be undone by cheating.

But to make it all happen - there will need to be an inspiring and invigorating comprehensive strategy - and a candidate with incredibly endless energy & passion - and a commanding presence… and a damn near ruthless determination to reclaim the integrity & honor of the nation.


I think this is right. Trump is like that deranged, menacing ex who never stops. These people have to be judicially restrained.

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