‘I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Be Free Of This President And His Maniacal Rage,’ McCabe Says | Talking Points Memo

Then pull the same sleazy assed shit they do, and once defeated, and the lame duck session starts, repeal every motherfucking tool you just used.

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Spot on! And not only Comey but Rosenstein and possibly Mueller as well. In fact, a quick review shows that Giuliani has known and worked with all 3 for years. Makes me look back at the suits against Leona Helmsley and Martha Stewart in a new light, check into who the prosecutors were!


Agreed. Thomas Jefferson would probably argue that the system is supposed to change : - )

I’m just waiting for the last of his swiss cheese brain to turn to mush. Don’t forget the average life span after someone has been diagnosed with dementia is 8-10 years, just trying to put a happy spin on it.


Even correcting the spelling, that post made no sense. FYI, the malignant narcissism will be buried by the dementia soon.

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The RNC knows perfectly well that he probably won’t make it til the election. I’m just wondering who they have lined up to replace him, and it won’t be Pence.


Not the Russell Crowe one…

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Nikki Haley-Lindsey Graham deathmatch?


Very Presidential. Bigley.

Foaming-at-the-mouth mad. Barking-at-the-moon mad. King George mad.


I’ll take “Nikki, in less than three minutes” in the betting pool, please.


But first, the progressing dementia will remove all the restraints that used to partially mask the malignant narcissism.

The captain has asked the cabin crew to take their jump seats, as we anticipate moderate turbulence ahead.


Brilliant. Thanks for the laugh.


I once carefully explained how to extract maximum pain from an opponent to a fencing student who was being bullied.

“Not that I’m ADVOCATING that course of action…” is my standard disclaimer.

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Oh Trump had a reason. It’s all part of his personal COINTEL-PRO.

i’m going to take great delight in knowing that dementia Donnie is raging over the refusal to indict McCabe… been watching the cables tonite, and they’ve all remarked on how insanely po’d he is…
here’s hoping he finally strokes out… left completely paralyzed but with what’s left of his withering mind fully aware that his caretakers are middleaged women from Haiti…


Haley I less than 22 seconds.

I’ Being kind.

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And going to all his court appearances using a walker or wheelchair for sympathy.


I want to see his financial stuff (taxes) made public showing him to be the thousandaire that he 8s.

I want to see him humiliated and ridiculed and abandoned by even his Koolaid drinkers for being the fraud he is.


Yelling into the void in his soundproof, plexiglass container during his many trials. Oh please, oh please.

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