Husband Of Ensign’s Girlfriend To Fox’s Kelly: Help Me Expose Senator’s “Relentless Pursuit Of My Wife” | Talking Points Memo

OK, now the Ensign story is really getting good.

Yesterday we wrote about how Team Ensign is now saying that they went public about the affair because Doug Hampton, the husband of Ensign’s girlfriend, was threatening to go to a TV news station about it. We asked whether Ensign was now walking back an earlier claim — which seemed to come from his camp — that Hampton had tried to extort him.And now the Las Vegas Sun has obtained a letter that Hampton wrote to Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, dated five days before Ensign went public about the affair earlier this week. Hampton asks Kelly for her assistance in exposing his former good friend’s “heinous conduct and pursuit” of Hampton’s wife, and pleading “Please help me.”

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