Huh? Trump Now Says He Wants Election Day Moved Up

Thanks for the link and I am glad he is back. I wonder, since it was a political cartoon, if current events prompted him out of retirement.

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Based on the story, there is a strong partisan divide regarding the sharing of intelligence information about current Russian efforts to meddle in the election.

Lindsey is the most obviously compromised politician in American history. Even Nunes you could make a case that he’s enough of a gullible dope to actually think Trump’s a great man and think he’s on missions to help him for the good of the country. But Graham - he’s 100% “pictures in the garden with the good sundress” level blackmailed.


It’s a very meta piece. A whole lot of talk about spotting smoke. No smoke to see, much less fire. But there can be no doubt: Trump and the Trump-ettes will go to great lengths to keep intelligence about, specifically, Russian interference, from being exposed to the public. You don’t even need to suppose a Putin-Trump relationship to get there. Trump just cannot stand the thought that his 2016 victory was a product of anything besides his own powerful, beautiful, tough, greatness.

I’m wondering when the Lincoln Project will give him his very own ad.


Trump is basically trolling the public


Years ago I heard it said that with a person as sick as he is, the vulnerable, human part has withered away, and he’s become a kind of machine that seeks certain kinds of responses and rejects others. He seeks narcissistic supply, he rejects with rage anything that causes narcissistic injury. Emotionally it’s a primitive, reptilian kind of life. What were once called “the finer feelings” are absent in him. I’m a reasonably empathetic person but I don’t waste a lot of regret over him either. He lives to cause damage, and his end can’t come soon enough.


I may have missed something but are Moscow Mitch and Graham considered at risk in the upcoming election?

Sometimes it is so clear that Trump has become a valuable tool for the Republican Party (and Russia). At some point early in the 2016 election, Trump shook up the party with his rhetoric, he (apparently) had lots of money AND access to more money through opaque donors. They gambled their ethics and their souls when they decided to support him.

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Well, in all fairness, tweeting about wanting to delay it upended all coverage of the disastrous economic news, and the WH decision to let the blue states burn by squashing the plan for national testing. So he had to give it a try.

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Also, since we’re talking about tRUmp:



I believe someone broke protocol, by speaking to the press after the ‘highly classified’ intelligence meeting, because the IC has solid information that Russia is still meddling in our elections.

Hopefully, the media will jump on this. The Republicans on the intelligence committee, do not think the public needs to be informed about this election interference.

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It seems to me that being removed by the 25th amendment would be his best bet to stay out of prison, since he could claim incompetence. I’m serious here.
That said, @mattinpa, I think “the man is mentally ill” should be the on billboards and bumper stickers throughout the entire country. When Eric the dull starts tweeting about how the statement applies to Biden, then the response should be that Eric is the reason that woman came up with the theory of demon sperm.
Enough is enough. 8645.


Homeowner had Fox on yesterday; I heard Trump rally from the next room. He sounded like a pale imitation of himself. Vicious, certainly, but tired. It also sounded like there were a half dozen plants in the audience there to hoot and applaud the old attack lines.

Operation Warp Speed is apparently a code name for more than the vaccine effort. It denotes the political take over of everything in the US by the Koch Brothers and Putin?

I’m not confident of any call I could make on the legal situation, especially since I was given pause a good while back by a commenter who said any way to jail him was problematic from a national security standpoint. I personally thought he wouldn’t last in office more than a few months because he would be too disruptive to the system. So that’s how much I know.

That said, his general gross unfitness is obvious now. Nobody’s going to bust any moves three months out from a general election he seems sure to lose, what with his seeming obvious inability to change course or address the pandemic however belatedly. His cabinet is a pack of jackals, and he wouldn’t ask to be 25thed, certainly. He might resign. But I think in the end the voters, with the question “How much worse could he be?” asked and answered, will fix their mistake and turn him out.

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Being ridiculed seems to get under his skin… and teased … and mocked
He tends to go into a rage …

… you know … if his financial situation is as lousy and embarrassing as it seems that it may be …
In early September it would be wonderful if somehow some irrefutable documents emerged … not ones that would be over the top … or would destroy huge cases against him … just ones that he could not deny … but that their public revelation would prove him to be a fraud.
Yes, at this point it may not change many minds … but it would eat his brain like an aggressive parasite… it would drive him over the edge to be exposed.


When he becomes (we beseech thee O Lord) just a private citizen with a big mouth, we’ll see all kinds of stuff. People aren’t always forgiving, and Trump will never earn it anyway. I don’t pity him but I sure don’t envy him either. He should have stayed a pretentious buffoon on TV, but he didn’t ask me for advice, that’s for sure. :grin:

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Well put. He’s a toxic husk of the human form. My cat has more empathy than he does.

i have no idea why TPM feels compelled to publish every brain-fart trump emits…

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