Like so many episodes in the Trump era, one of the administration’s most audacious moves was first made public in a tweet.
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Like so many episodes in the Trump era, one of the administration’s most audacious moves was first made public in a tweet.
His plan to rig the election didn’t work so well either.
Trump’s new book, “The Art of a Loser”.
Well, over four years Trump clearly demonstrated his incompetence as a “president,” now we can clearly see his gross incompetence as a crook as well.
With any luck, we might even get to witness his incompetence as a criminal defendant and inmate.
Name one Trump policy that “succeeded.” I don’t consider sadism success.
Boy, I’m hoping so.
Not completely OT
Not a surprise - Trump - works slowly (lazy) and generally does insufficient (incompetent) work - he is insufficient in terms of adequacy and in terms of speed - - except for those occasions when he thinks he is in the spotlight and will be evaluated and will stand to gain - then he trends toward boosting things via wretchedly gaudy excess that can be achieved by stupidly spending like a fool.
IG Gustafson:
“This is bad.”
“This is bad, too.”
“And this is bad.”
“And this is even worse”
“What can I tell you? None of it looks good.”
I have known many people, including some at work in sensitive jobs, whose only redeeming quality is that they are too stupid to do any harm. In others, the redeeming quality is that they were too lazy.
If this does not apply to Trump, it certainly applies to many of his enablers, especially the stupid part.
I believe the Trump Mal-administration’s policy of infecting as many people as possible with COVID-19 was a smashing success, and without question helped make America “first”, as we have among the highest per capita infection rates on the planet. (We certainly beat the rest of the industrialized world by a good margin.)
That approach was like “throwing women at a pregnancy to speed up the due date,” one outside census expert told TPM at the time.
The Mythical Man-Month ought to be required reading for anyone in a management role.
Nearly half a century old now, and every bit as true and relevant as the day it first appeared.
Just going to make the GOP gerrymandering efforts that much more manic, deranged, and unhinged.
Hilarity (and voter suppression) ensues.
I’d say his plan to be president didn’t work, except there was no plan.
“What is ‘extreme incompetence’ for $800, Alex.”
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was in a bind.
He also had problems staying awake.
If you want anything to be done properly, find the quiet introvert in the office who doesn’t need to be the center of attention, give them the task and the actual due date, then leave them the fuck alone.
Dunno why people think it takes a whole fucking book when you can condense it into a sentence.
At least Trumpian malevolence was actually tempered by incompetence rather than augmented by it in this case; thank goodness.
I prefer “The Art of the Misdeal.”