How The Roberts Court Laid The Groundwork For 2021’s All-Out Assault On Voting Rights | Talking Points Memo

This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It was excerpted from “Justice Deferred: Race and the Supreme Court” by Orville Vernon Burton and Armand Derfner, published by The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

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OT-ish…The Supremes gave 7-2 decision against the case brought against Obamacare by Red states.

They didn’t rule on the merit, but on the standing.


First Roberts sabotaged voting rights then he killed them.


Roberts has ALWAYS been the affable, low-key Manchurian Justice, hatched in a rightwing test-tube ready to serve Corporate and NeoConfederate interests when the secret bell was rung. I’d also like to see the balance of his secret offshore bank acct.


Many have said this, the most important Republican in America is not Donald Trump but John Roberts.

That is everything Roberts does is entirely based not on the constitution or his oath of office but what will help the Republican Party increase its hold on power.


Make no mistake that the reason for this ruling is that overturning the affordable care act and taking away health care from 30,000,000 Americans, over 70% of them White people with a high school diploma or less, would be a big loser to the Republican Party.

That is why the Supreme Court led by Chief Injustice John Roberts refused to declare Obamacare unconstitutional, not because in fact the act is constitutional. For Roberts it is all politics and what is good for Republicans.


With Shelby and Citizens United, Roberts finished his life long work in striping nonwhites of the right to vote. A pursuit begun in Reagan admn. Roberts more than any one else, gave us Trump. That should follow him into history.


“How The Roberts Court Laid The Groundwork For 2021’s All-Out Assault On Voting Rights”

Step 1.: Start as a young lawyer in the Reagan administration with an intense ideological hostility to the Voting Rights Act. The rest is a history of ambition to impose his ideological views on America.

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